
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 30, 2024 09:00AM
  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

My question is for the Associate Minister of Small Business.

Speaker, the cost pressures driven by the federal carbon tax have placed a significant burden on Ontario’s small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Young people in our province with innovative ideas are finding their dreams stifled by the increasing affordability challenges stemming from this tax. The carbon tax is not only driving up operational costs for existing small businesses, but it’s also hindering the ability of these budding entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground in the first place.

Our government must continue to demonstrate leadership in helping Ontario’s young entrepreneurs succeed during their start-up phase.

Speaker, can the associate minister tell us how our government is supporting aspiring entrepreneurs in our province who are negatively impacted by this disastrous tax?

The Summer Company program has an important role in supporting young entrepreneurs across our province, and I know many aspiring business owners in my riding were happy to take advantage of this valuable initiative.

However, the challenges posed by the federal carbon tax go beyond just affecting students and recent graduates looking to start their first businesses. Entrepreneurs aged 18 and older are also struggling with the cost pressures this tax is creating, and it has become increasingly difficult for them to secure the necessary investments and resources to start or grow their enterprises.

Speaker, can the associate minister tell the House what additional measures our government is using to support this vital demographic of business owners?

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  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

That’s why we’re investing in a new hospital in the Niagara region. We’re also investing in connecting 600,000 more Ontarians to an interprofessional primary care team. The new and expanded teams will include family health teams, nurse practitioner-led clinics, community health centres and Indigenous primary care organizations.

Speaker, I’ll remind the member opposite, they actually voted against our budget that included a $546-million expansion over the next three years to expand the interprofessional primary care teams.

The Minto-Mapleton Family Health Team has already hired a new nurse practitioner. And we’re going to see more in the months to come.

In Ontario, we have a plan, and it’s working.

We will continue to work with all of our health care partners across the province to ensure that we have the best publicly funded health care system in the north, south, east and west.

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  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

Speaker, again to the Minister of Health: As a result of this government’s failed health care policies and mistreatment of health care workers, residents in Welland have now endured a staggering 457 days without after-hours emergency surgical services at the Welland hospital—a cut that Niagara Health said was temporary due to staffing shortages. With Welland’s population surging and housing targets being surpassed by 276% last year alone, we should be seeing a historic expansion of services in south Niagara.

Speaker, through you: When will this minister listen to the people of Niagara and step in to ensure after-hours emergency surgical services are restored at the Welland hospital?

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  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

Response? I recognize the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Health.

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  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

Thank you to the great colleague of mine from Mississauga–Erin Mills for the question.

Speaker, I’ve heard from so many young entrepreneurs who are finding their dreams of starting their businesses harder due to the mounting affordability challenges caused by the carbon tax. Many tell me their parents are willing to help, but with the costs of groceries, gas and everyday essentials growing, there’s just nothing left over to help them secure the necessary capital or invest in the supplies needed to start or sustain their businesses through the crucial start-up phase.

Our government recognizes the crucial role young entrepreneurs play in driving our economic growth. That’s why we’ve invested $1.5 million more into our Summer Company program, for a total of $4.7 million a year, so an additional 250 young people can be their own boss this summer.

Speaker, while we're making it easier for our entrepreneurs to get started, the carbon tax is making it harder. That’s why—

Speaker, I’ve been hearing similar concerns from more seasoned business owners who are grappling with the significant cost pressures this tax is creating as they seek to launch and grow their own business.

Our government is taking proactive steps to bolster our support for all prospective small business owners.

Just last week, we announced a $4.8-million investment over the next two years to expand the Starter Company Plus program, which provides training, mentoring and grants of up to $5,000 to help entrepreneurs age 18 and older start or grow their business. This will give an additional 500 entrepreneurs the opportunity to succeed, building on the over 5,500 companies it has already supported and the more than 6,300 jobs we’ve created across Ontario.

Speaker, this Premier, this government is focused on reducing the barriers to starting a business, and the biggest one that still stands in their way is the job-killing carbon tax.

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  • May/30/24 11:20:00 a.m.

My question is to the Minister of Finance.

For years, consumers and retailers have been urging the government to expand alcohol distribution policies to align with most other Canadian provinces and the US, to allow for an open market and greater convenience for consumers. Currently, consumers can only buy alcohol from a limited number of grocery stores. This often results in the need to make additional trips or makes it inconvenient to pick up a bottle of wine before visiting a friend.

Speaker, my question is: How will this expansion for retailers be implemented to create an open and convenient marketplace?

Speaker, in Ontario, a survey showed that 75% of youth in grade 12 had reported lifetime alcohol use.

Based on research from Alberta, awareness and education campaigns can help shed light on alcohol-related harms.

Alcohol consumption has surged post-pandemic, especially amongst the youth in Ontario. Can the minister please tell this House, what is the strategy to combat this rise, and what is this government doing to promote responsible drinking?

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

I rise in accordance with standing order 59 to outline the order of business for next week.

On Monday, June 3, in the morning and in the afternoon sessions, we will be dealing with Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act.

On Tuesday, June 4, in the morning, we will be on third reading of Bill 159; in the afternoon, we’ll be on private member’s Bill 45 and third reading of Bill 185. At 6 p.m., we will be dealing with private member’s Bill 192, for the member of Nickel Belt.

On Wednesday, June 5, we’ll be on to third reading of Bill 159 in the morning and in the afternoon. Private members’ business that day will be business for the member for Oshawa.

On Thursday, June 6, in the morning, third reading of Bill 159; in the afternoon, third reading of Bill 194; and private members’ business will be Bill 133, for the member for Sudbury.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

The petition I have to read into the record today is entitled “Improve Ontario’s Child and Youth Mental Health Services”—and with everyone gathered on the front lawn, I think they would also agree that mental health is health.

This petition calls upon the government to invest more in mental health services. We know the wait-lists are incredibly long, sometimes up to two years, as pointed out in the petition.

So, this petition calls upon the government to urgently invest rather than cut and make sure that children have mental health services when and where they need them.

I fully support this petition, will affix my signature and deliver it with page Farhan to the Clerks.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

I recognize the parliamentary assistant to health.

Welcome back.

The House recessed from 1140 to 1300.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

In St. Catharines, Shannon Horner’s mother fell ill in Jamaica and couldn’t come home due to claims of no available beds in Ontario. Communication failures between the ministry and the insurance companies caused this. We know that there were actual beds available at the time. I wrote a letter and was assured that it was being handled. However, I have yet to see any action.

The health care system is in crisis right now.

How are you going to explain to the people stuck in other countries why they cannot get home for care? And will you work with me and update on the steps your ministry has taken to make sure it will never, ever happen again?

This happened twice in one week in Ontario, and dozens of times over the years.

It is heartbreaking that St. Catharines lost an amazing community member and family pillar.

It is time for action from this government. The minister called the family, but there has been no follow-up to the family. The president of Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada asked for changes. However, again, there has been no follow-up.

Please, follow up.

My community of seniors, travellers and snowbirds need assurance that their health care system will be there for them when they need it the most.

Speaker, when will we see real, compassionate action—and prioritize action with the experts to fix these issues?

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

CritiCall Ontario is the organization that is prepared to be able to handle people who get injured while abroad. There was a miscommunication there, and that member did come home.

Speaker, under a decade under the Liberals, supported by the NDP, they underfunded the health care system, which put us in this situation. They closed hospitals, closed hospital beds. They fired nurses. And most importantly, they cut medical school residency spots, which leaves us with hundreds and hundreds of less doctors performing services in the province of Ontario.

Speaker, our government inherited a health care system under severe pressure due to the actions of the previous Liberal government, supported by the NDP.

Under the leadership of Premier Ford, our government has made record investments in health care, including a $3.1-billion investment into a new hospital in Niagara, which that member voted against.

The Liberals, in 2015, removed those 50 medical residency seats. That is now hundreds of less doctors in our system today.

Speaker, since 2018, over 80,000 new nurses have registered to practise in Ontario—including 12,500 new doctors who have registered in Ontario. Over 2,400 new doctors were ready to practise last year alone, including 1,000 internationally trained doctors—


We’re investing over $740 million to address the immediate staffing needs, supporting the expansion of over 3,000 new nursing seats in Ontario colleges and universities.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery.

The Liberal carbon tax is making life unnecessarily more difficult for people throughout the province. Due to the increased costs of goods and services, more Ontarians are struggling to afford basic essentials and make ends meet. Behind this record inflation and rising carbon tax, people are facing real harsh realities.

It’s time for the federal government to finally listen to Ontarians and stop piling on even more financial burdens. They must scrap the tax now.

Speaker, can the minister please explain how the Liberal carbon tax is impacting consumer confidence in Ontario?

I’m glad to see that, unlike the Liberals and the NDP, our government is actually listening to the concerns of the people who elected us.

Speaker, Ontario has had enough of the Liberal carbon tax. After last month’s carbon tax hike, commuters are being forced to pay more at the gas pumps. That’s unfair to the residents in northern, rural and remote communities—and Thornhill—who rely heavily on vehicles for their work and to run their daily errands. The federal Liberals and their provincial buddies need to start respecting Ontarians and get rid of this unnecessary tax.

Can the minister please elaborate on how the Liberal carbon tax overlooks the varied needs and challenges experienced in communities across Ontario?

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

I thank the member for Thornhill for her excellent advocacy for her community and that very thoughtful question.

Yes, the Liberal carbon tax is a major burden on families and households and our elderly and our young people, and on small businesses, the engine of the economy.

We must do all that we can, and we are doing, as a provincial government, all that we can to decrease the cost of living. My ministry has introduced the Better for Consumers, Better for Businesses Act, which ensures that price gouging will be recognized for what it is and declared unconscionable conduct. We have cut the gas tax. We have eliminated tolls on the 412 and 418 in Durham. We have banned licence renewal fees. So we’re doing all we can.

We ask the federal Liberal government—and if the NDP supported us on consumer protection, call your federal cousins, tell them to defeat the Liberal government in Ottawa—

When we talk about communities and how communities experience it, I can talk about my riding of Durham, which, as I have said many times, is a microcosm of the great province of Ontario. We have rural communities and farms in the northern part of Durham. We have suburban communities in Bowmanville, north Oshawa and Courtice and Newcastle. All of my fellow residents and citizens communicate with me regularly about, for example, the increased transportation, energy and operational expenses for our farmers, and the burden upon those who own homes or rent homes in terms of the energy cost impact.

As I said, we’re doing all that we can for our fellow citizens and residents to reduce the cost of living, but it’s time for the tone-deaf Liberals and NDP in Ottawa to pay attention to our citizens and scrap this ruinous, regressive carbon tax.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 204 

As the affordable housing crisis worsens, more and more Ontarians are falling into homelessness. The approach so far has failed. We need a coordinated, resourced provincial strategy to tackle the homelessness crisis.

My bill requires the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to establish a homelessness task force to support the government of Ontario in creating and maintaining a provincial homelessness strategy. In a province as rich as ours, no one should be unhoused.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

I beg to inform the House that today the Clerk received the report on intended appointments dated May 30, 2024, of the Standing Committee on Government Agencies. Pursuant to standing order 110(f)(9), the report is deemed to be adopted by the House.

Report deemed adopted.

Ms. Karpoche moved first reading of the following bill:

Bill 204, An Act to establish the Homelessness Task Force / Projet de loi 204, Loi visant à créer un groupe de travail de lutte contre l’itinérance.

First reading agreed to.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

With thousands of people on the front lawn of the Legislature asking for an end to cuts in health care, I’m pleased to present this petition with hundreds of signatures from the good people of Port Colborne, asking that the after-hours services at their urgent care in Port Colborne be restored so that folks who don’t have a family doctor in Port Colborne can have a place to go when they are ill.

I affix my signature and send it to the Clerk.

I affix my signature.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

I just want to join my colleagues earlier who welcomed the guests who are on the front lawn: 6,000 advocates for public health care.

I know my friend here from St. Catharines has been an advocate for it, as have many people in this House, but in the community, what I’m being told is that the direct cost of unplanned pregnancy between people aged 15 to 29 is $381 million and that what we need to do as a province and as a country is give people more control over their reproductive health and that universal access to contraception is a key way to do it.

I note that the federal government has made some inroads thanks to the federal NDP and the hard work of Jagmeet Singh and that team to move in this direction, but I encourage the House to listen to the people who have signed this petition, particularly the Canadian Federation of Medical Students, who are doctors in training, asking us to move on universal contraception for everyone in the province of Ontario right away.

Resuming the debate adjourned on May 29, 2024, on the motion for third reading of the following bill:

Bill 188, An Act to amend the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 and various other Acts / Projet de loi 188, Loi modifiant la Loi de 2017 sur les services à l’enfance, à la jeunesse et à la famille et diverses autres lois.

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  • May/30/24 11:30:00 a.m.

Meegwetch, Speaker. It’s always an honour to be able to speak on behalf of the people of Kiiwetinoong.

As you know, Kiiwetinoong is a very unique riding—294,000 square kilometres. We are so rich when we talk about land and resources.

I rise today to speak on Bill 188, Supporting Children’s Futures, again, on behalf of the people of Kiiwetinoong.

Last time I spoke about this bill, I spoke about the colonial history, and the care system reminds us of what it is like, in Kiiwetinoong.

I’ll talk about in my remarks—we still see examples of these practices that are implemented and imposed upon our children in the care system. And I talk about that because—particularly when they are forced to relocate from the north, far northern Ontario, to southern Ontario for care.

When I look at this bill, Bill 188, even with its supportable steps moving in a better direction, I know we can do so much more. We can always do more. Why take half-measures on this bill? As the province and as the government, it’s your responsibility to fix problems left unaddressed.

I want to be able to highlight some of those issues. I want to be able to highlight some of those problems that come with the bill and the many, many recommendations, most of which are not new, to help resolve these issues.

A few years ago—it was the summer of 2019—there was a cabinet shuffle that happened, and Minister Todd Smith looked at that file. One of the things that he had done was to show up in Thunder Bay, at the door, and introduce himself as the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services. He bumped into one of the directors of social services who looks after that children’s file, and they sat down for about half an hour or 45 minutes. That director of social services at Nishnawbe Aski Nation was able to tell Minister Smith at that time what he could do. There was a jurisdiction issue between two First Nation agencies, where they were fighting over the resources, fighting over the children, because when you have children in care, it means money.

And I know that, I think about two weeks after, Minister Smith, at that time, in the summer of 2019, made a letter to ensure that children in northwestern Ontario, in the Tikinagan area—that the Tikinagan children’s services have jurisdiction over their children. I share that story because I remember listening to a chief saying, “There are five kids who are under the age of five. I don’t know where they are. They’re somewhere in the system. I don’t know where they are. They could be all over Ontario somewhere.” She had no idea where they were. That’s the welfare system that exists for us today.

Going back, there was a letter that was provided by, at that time, Minister Smith under MCCSS. He made a decision to make sure that the people of northwestern Ontario, in that specific area, had the jurisdiction over their children and there was no more fighting over the children. Of course, the other agency was not happy, because of where they were located. That’s how you make change, and I encourage the current Minister of Children, Community and Social Services to meet with Nishnawbe Aski Nation to ensure he learns what the issues are that they are facing in the north.

Speaker, I know that in the north, First Nations are experiencing tragic death after tragic death. I say that because I’m thinking of Amy Owen, who died by suicide while she was in government care. She was 13 years old. And she was from Poplar Hill First Nation, which is part of my riding.

I am thinking of Kanina Sue Turtle, also from Poplar Hill First Nation, who filmed herself as she ended her life, getting care in Sioux Lookout, where I live. She was grieving the death of her friend, Alayna Moose, who had taken her life two weeks earlier.

I am thinking of so many others, so many other children from our communities, from our First Nations, who died in state care—but not all died by suicide.

What I’m talking about here tells us so much, Speaker, but to start taking away our children and pulling them into these places is hurting our kids. It’s hurting our families. It’s hurting our communities. They are not getting the care that they need.

I want everyone in this House to be aware of the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in the care system, which should also be top of mind when we discuss issues related to care. In their inquiry in 2016, out of the 27 agencies looked at by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Indigenous children were overrepresented in 25—for example, in 93% of the agencies. They are also admitted into care at a rate 2.6 times higher than their proportion of the child population. But these numbers are very low estimates, because the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s sample was comprised of only mainstream or non-Indigenous children’s aid societies.

Speaker, we need to put an end to these policies that take our children away from our communities and put them into settings where these assimilationist practices are imposed on them. First Nations’ right to self-determination and jurisdiction over how our children are raised needs to be respected and supported by this government.

Just about a year ago, Ombudsman Paul Dubé published a report titled Missing in Inaction: Misty’s Story, which was an investigation into the adequacy of measures related to ensuring the safety of an anonymous child referred to as “Misty,” an Indigenous child living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, who by 15 years of age had interacted with the child welfare system a number of times and had already experienced tremendous amounts of trauma.

Speaker, she was sent to southern Ontario by the children’s aid societies in northern Ontario because of their difficulty finding the appropriate resources closer to home. She was only in care in southern Ontario for 47 days, but these 47 were the focus of the Ombudsman’s investigation, because “over the course of the 47 days Misty spent in the care of Johnson Children’s Services in southwestern Ontario, she went missing seven times, including one period of 19 days. There is evidence that during these absences, she was physically and sexually assaulted, suffered injuries requiring medical treatment, used methamphetamines, fentanyl, cannabis, cocaine and Xanax—and overdosed.”

The investigation into this inadequacy of the three organizations’ fulfillment of their responsibilities towards Misty was very revealing. It showed us that the system failed Misty in many ways, in more ways than one, and left her vulnerable to harms, including human trafficking.

It also highlighted the need for agencies in southern Ontario to be educated in the learnings provided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, which should inform how they understand and make decisions regarding the risks surrounding Indigenous children in care: “It is particularly pressing that agencies in southern Ontario such as Johnson Children’s Services Inc. educate themselves and their staff on the learnings from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. They should also consider the risk factors unique to Indigenous children and their decision-making around their care.”

Speaker, I could go on, but due to the limitations of time, I just want to emphasize how important it is that all legislation and policy change takes into account the recommendations in the Ombudsman’s report but also the calls to action, and the justice, from the TRC, the very first of which is “to commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care.”

In the MMIWG inquiry, it emphasizes the need for Indigenous communities to have their inherent jurisdiction and self-determination respected when it comes to child welfare and service design/delivery.

Among their critical recommendations are to prohibit the apprehension of children on the basis of poverty and cultural bias; fully investigate deaths of Indigenous youth in care; and establish a child and youth advocate in each jurisdiction with a specialized unit with the mandate of Indigenous children and youth within a period of one year of this report.

So you might ask, where is the children and youth advocate in Ontario today? I remember back in 2019, this government closed down the Child and Youth Advocate office, and the Ombudsman has not been given power equivalent to those that the Child and Youth Advocate once had.

The story of what happened to Mindy, as well, is from 2020, but the grim details of how First Nations children are treated in the care system keep emerging. This is only four years ago, but since 2022, we have seen investigations from APTN and Global News that shared about the terrible abuses First Nations children have faced in for-profit, privately run care homes.

For some of these group homes, First Nations kids from northern Ontario are seen as necessary for the profit model where they have been called cash cows and the bread and butter, and First Nations in the north paid so much more to place children in these homes—cash cows.

I don’t have enough time, but I want to conclude my remarks by talking about the life and the tragic death of Devon Freeman, whose story should remind us all of the impact that the implementation of our legislation has. We know that Devon Freeman should be an adult today, a man somewhere around the age of 22 or 23. He should still be here, a member of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation. He should still be able to ride his bike. But that concludes my time for now. Meegwetch.

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  • May/30/24 1:20:00 p.m.

Meegwetch. I think one of the things—back in March or May of last year, which was 2023, I was able to travel up to KI for the signing of bringing power and authority to the First Nations in the care of their children. I think that was the first week of the current Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, Minister Parsa—that was his first trip up north. It’s always important to learn of who you serve and learn of our ways of life and who we are in the north. I think I would encourage the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services that they meet with Nishnawbe Aski Nation to see how the shared priorities are working. Meegwetch.

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  • May/30/24 1:20:00 p.m.

Thank you to my colleague opposite from Kiiwetinoong. Member, thank you for your presentation. I have a lot of respect for you. Thank you for bringing your own story and for sharing with us. Thank you for your perspective to this House.

Madam Speaker, we understand the harsh reality that many young people face within the foster care and child welfare system. Our bill, Bill 188, will bring more accountability in the foster care system through the hiring of more inspectors, allowing for random inspections—it’s never happened before—giving the ministry more weight to enforce the laws that protect the rights of children in out-of-home care.

My question to the member opposite: Does he agree that there should be a stronger role in place to punish bad actors in the foster care system? That’s including in the Indigenous foster care system. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

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