
Decentralized Democracy

Senate Volume 153, Issue 90

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 8, 2022 02:00PM
  • Dec/8/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, with leave of the Senate and notwithstanding rule 5-5(a), I move:

That, for the purpose of studying Bill S-11, A fourth Act to harmonize federal law with the civil law of Quebec and to amend certain Acts in order to ensure that each language version takes into account the common law and the civil law, the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs have the power to meet on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, even though the Senate may then be sitting or adjourned, and that rules 12-18(1) and 12-18(2) be suspended in relation thereto.

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  • Dec/8/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Mobina S. B. Jaffer: Honourable senators, on Tuesday, December 13, over 15 million Ismaili Muslims residing in 25 countries around the world will celebrate the eighty-sixth birthday of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan.

His Highness succeeded his grandfather as the forty-ninth spiritual leader of the Ismaili Muslims when he was only 20 years old. For over six and a half decades, His Highness has made tremendous personal sacrifices to improve the lives of Ismaili Muslims and continues to work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of all people, especially those living in less developed regions of the world.

Honourable senators, it is a custom to offer gifts on one’s birthday. The greatest gift that we can offer His Highness the Aga Khan is to renew our commitment to building a pluralistic society, one that is based on the values of justice, equality and tolerance. As senators, let us continue to work to improve the lives of those who are the most vulnerable in society.

His Highness the Aga Khan has often described his vision of a world where difference is not seen as a weakness but instead as a powerful force for good. Honourable senators, I want to live in that world.

Your Highness, on your birthday, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me — I am a senator because of you — for my family, for the Ismaili community and for people around the world. We are all beneficiaries of your generosity, guidance, wisdom and kindness.

Salgirah Mubarak!

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