
Decentralized Democracy
  • May/5/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Brian Francis: Honourable senators, I would like to take a few minutes today to pay tribute to the Honourable Senator Terry Mercer, who I am happy to have called both a close colleague and a dear friend. Terry is rarely soft-spoken — and we’ve heard that mentioned earlier today by some — but his voice carries with it an enormous depth of wisdom, and his contributions have never failed to bring valuable insight into any discussion. I have always enjoyed listening to him speak, as Terry always brought humour and wit to our work. He has never been too shy to shout out a funny comment or observation and draw out laughter and joy. His easygoing manner made me feel right at home with the Progressive Senate Group.

With honesty, I can say that Terry is an extremely generous person. Of course, he has had a long and distinguished career, most notably in politics, but he has also worked extensively in the charitable sector. As a senator, Terry brought his experience to bear in advocating for and then chairing the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector. But for me on a personal level, Terry has also been incredibly generous with his time and wisdom.

I want to express my deepest and most sincere gratitude to Senator Mercer for taking me under his wing, sharing his wealth of institutional knowledge and helping me find my role as caucus chair. Terry left big shoes to fill, but his generous nature made the transition smooth, straightforward and almost effortless. Terry’s door was always open, and he made himself eternally available to me. At that time, I was a relative newcomer to the PSG, but Terry made me feel like I had been a member of caucus for a much longer time, and he made sure I always felt welcome. I will always admire his role as caucus chair of the PSG: how he helped keep the good ship and crew safe through the uncertain waters of those early days of the PSG.

Terry, wela’lin and thank you for your guidance, your wisdom, your wit and your friendship.

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  • May/5/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Brian Francis: Honourable senators, my question is for the Government Representative in the Senate.

Senator Gold, the current government refuses to fully implement the Aboriginal and treaty rights of the Mi’kmaq in relation to fisheries. As a result, some have begun to develop and launch their own self-regulated fisheries.

Most recently, following unsuccessful discussions with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans over several months, Lennox Island First Nation announced it would start its own treaty fishery in Malpeque Bay on Saturday. The community agreed in good faith to follow rules applied to the commercial fisheries and put a maximum of 1,000 traps, which amounts to 0.53% of the 190,000 traps in this fishing area.

Last week when I spoke with Minister Murray and Parliamentary Secretary Kelloway on this matter, I urged them to work with rather than against Lennox Island and other First Nations. I emphasized that the current regime has systematically excluded us from the fishery and contributed to high rates of poverty and other disparities. I am deeply troubled by the lack of respect and understanding shown to date.

Senator Gold, since Fisheries and Oceans Canada is in agreement that the treaty lobster fishery that will be launched by Lennox Island generates no conservation measures, is withholding fewer than 1,000 traps worth undermining the bonds of peace and friendship in Prince Edward Island?

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