
Decentralized Democracy
  • May/11/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Kim Pate: Minister, given your excellent engagement, both as the Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and as a member of Parliament, I’m sure you are aware that P.E.I. is eager to move forward with a guaranteed liveable basic income. They would be a valuable demonstration project and site because of the diversity of industries and income levels, as has already been mentioned by some of my colleagues. Also, P.E.I. leaders, including the premier, have emphasized the necessity of federal government support. In addition, Newfoundland and Labrador is also interested in exploring a guaranteed liveable basic income and is focused on poverty as the number-one social determinant of health.

Economic security and stability ensure basic needs are met in addition to promoting dignity, equality and meaningful participation by enabling people to exercise agency in their own lives and communities. Can you advise what concrete steps have been taken by you as Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and your government to ensure federal involvement in the implementation of a guaranteed liveable income project on Prince Edward Island? Also, are there any action plans for Newfoundland and Labrador?

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