
Decentralized Democracy
  • Mar/31/22 2:00:00 p.m.

The Hon. the Speaker pro tempore: Senator Bellemare has a question. Senator Deacon, would you take a question?

Senator C. Deacon: Absolutely, thank you.

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  • Mar/31/22 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Diane Bellemare: Would you agree with me that yesterday we had testimony from Mr. Cléroux from the Business Development Bank of Canada? He said in answer to a question:

. . . I think remote work is here to stay, because the reception on the business side has really changed. . . . First, a lot of businesses have invested in technology to allow the workers to work from home. Second, they realize that productivity has been as high for people working from home.

I think remote work is here to stay, but there’s going to be more of a hybrid model. . . .

Would you agree that was the testimony of Mr. Cléroux yesterday who said that about the business community?

Senator C. Deacon: Thank you very much, Senator Bellemare. He was quite passionate about the issue and the transformation that has occurred as well as the issue facing many employers in terms of a shortage of labour if they do not start to become accommodating.

If we want to have the best people working for us in this organization, we have to be a competitive employer. I think that was the focus of our discussion last night in the Banking Committee. It was an important one from my standpoint because it got at the issue of talent. Talent is crucial in the ability of an organization to function. We want to make sure we have the ability to attract the very best talent as an organization. It’s part of what we have to look at as an organization moving forward and reaching beyond COVID. Thank you.

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