
Decentralized Democracy
  • Jun/1/23 2:10:00 p.m.

Hon. Marty Deacon: Honourable senators, today — June 1 — marks many important things. As we recognize National Indigenous History Month and Pride Month, I wish to also speak to National Health and Fitness Day, which takes place this upcoming Saturday.

The National Health and Fitness Day Act was created by us here and in the other place in order to work with our communities to do our very best to ensure that the support, infrastructure and things we need are there so that every Canadian has the opportunity to be active.

This year, as we head into Saturday, and in recognition of National Indigenous History Month, I would like to share with you a poem written by our former Parliamentary Poet Laureate Louise Bernice Halfe — her Cree name is Sky Dancer — as she thought about the intent of National Health and Fitness Day. The poem is called “Over Sixty-five.” It goes like this:

Sometimes the spirit of the body

has no inclination to move.


the cool water on throbbing feet

after a half-hearted run

refreshes one’s resolve.

The heart-throb

and gasp for breath


this reluctant exhilaration.

Sitting in a canoe

paddle dipping, gliding past

cliffs and forest,

hand cutting the water.

This gentle sweep

moves spirit and body.

Each morning my husband and I

lift weights.

Stretch above our heads,

bend at the waist,

arms flapping into a butterfly.

Leg press: kneeling has never been

so easy.

We work our

turkey waddle triceps

do full length planks.

We are over sixty-five.

For three years

our feet covered

over two hundred miles

of the Saskatchewan prairie.

From the grasslands

to the rocky mounds of

the angels at the Mystery Rocks,

to the murdered sites

where we paid homage

to the original tribes.

We push beyond the limitations

of our reluctance.

Honor body, mind and spirit.

These gifts

of wind, sun, water and earth

course through our veins.

Colleagues, I encourage you to think about those words this weekend. I also want to thank you for your social media posts in past years, for your energy and for your desire to share what gets you moving. Please keep them coming, and use the hashtags that were sent to each of you today.

I also invite all senators who are in Ottawa this weekend to join us at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning at the front entrance of the Senate of Canada building for a light walk through some great parts of Ottawa. Please join us if you can.

Thank you. Meegwetch.

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  • Jun/1/23 2:30:00 p.m.

Hon. Colin Deacon: Your Honour, I would like to thank you for taking on the responsibility of being our Speaker; it is wonderful to see you in that chair.

My question is for the Government Representative. Senator Gold, entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges, some of which are particularly challenging for under-represented groups, including women.

Consider Sampler, a technology platform that helps companies to launch new products. Sampler has 1,000 companies that it works with, 45 employees, is on track to get $10 million in revenue and just acquired a New York–based company to expand its business further into the United States and Europe. It is the sort of level of success that we want to see more of. Imagine the surprise of Sampler’s founder and CEO, Marie Chevrier, when she went on maternity leave and found her application for parental benefits was declined, even though she had been paying into the Employment Insurance system, EI, for years.

I was shocked to learn that the Canada Revenue Agency declined her application on the belief that as a business owner she “would not truly be able to take a maternity leave.” Ms. Chevrier was left with no government support at a time when she needed it the most, and she is far from alone, as I understand.

Senator Gold, what is the rationale behind this arguably anti-feminist policy? Are there any plans for its review in the near future in order to allow entrepreneurs, and especially women, to feel more confident about building their families without fear of financial uncertainty?

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