
Decentralized Democracy
  • Jun/1/23 2:20:00 p.m.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): The answer is no. It is the position of the government that the Special Rapporteur’s report provided valuable information to Canadians and that the public process that he has envisaged overseeing, including the work of a number of institutions such as NSIRA and NSICOP, is the most appropriate way to address the issue of foreign interference.

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  • Jun/1/23 2:30:00 p.m.

Hon. Leo Housakos: My question is for the government leader, Senator Gold. It is astonishing how little the Trudeau government has done in dealing with foreign interference. Yesterday, this parliamentary chamber had the Minister of Public Safety before us, and, even more astonishingly, when asked two simple questions of when we will have Beijing’s illegal police stations closed down and what date we will have a foreign registry put into place, he could not give this parliamentary chamber an answer. It is unbelievable, government leader.

I will simplify the question for you because I know this government has a hard time with targets. I will allow you to answer broadly. Can you please tell this chamber when you will have these illegal Beijing police stations shut down, and when we will have a foreign registry put into place? You do not have to give me an exact date, but can you please give the Senate of Canada what month and what year?

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