
Decentralized Democracy
  • Jun/1/23 2:40:00 p.m.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for your question, Senator, and congratulations on your French. It is nice to hear and an example to us all. I would therefore like to answer the question like a proper Montrealer: in both official languages.


The government continues to work hard to support businesses across this country, along with the provinces, territories and, in some cases, the municipalities, in order that Canadian businesses can profit from the changes that are taking place as we transition and move towards a greener and more sustainable economy.

The government has responded to the changes in the economic environment that was brought on by the Inflation Reduction Act in the Fall Economic Statement, where Minister Freeland put forward tax credits in a number of areas for clean energy, capital costs and hydrogen production.

The federal government plays a role, and, as I said, so do other levels of government. I’m advised the Government of Canada continues to evaluate ways in which to assist Canadian businesses, such as the one to which you referred, so as to benefit from the changes in the economic environment that, without question, were brought on by the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act in the United States.


That altered the playing field with respect to the level of support the federal, provincial and territorial governments need to contemplate. The economic power differential is massive. That said, when it comes to Volkswagen and other issues before Parliament and in the press, the government needs to pitch in and make sure Canadian companies benefit from increased support on the part of the federal government.


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