
Decentralized Democracy

Senator Yussuff: Thank you, Senator Cardozo, for your question. Hindsight is 20/20. Again, in the context of the government initiating this bill and trying to get support in the other place from the opposition, they ended up getting support from three parties. Some amendments had the support of all parties in the other place, recognizing that, in order to get a piece of legislation over here, there were compromises made in regard to what the legislation currently reflects.

From a personal view, reading the bill and watching the issue being debated, I think they reached a balance in trying to bring forth a piece of legislation that Canadians have been demanding the government to act upon for quite some time. I think it reflects that. I’m sure when the committee hearings start, we will hear from those who think the bill has gone too far and from those who think it hasn’t gone far enough. We will get to evaluate that for ourselves as senators and make a judgment.

From my perspective as the sponsor of the bill, I believe the bill has struck a balance, and I am hoping that colleagues will see that, not only in the context of the debate here, but also what the witnesses will say when they come before committee.

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