
Decentralized Democracy
  • Nov/8/23 2:10:00 p.m.

Hon. Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu: Honourable senators, it is with deep emotion that I rise to speak to you today. My voice carries the weight of stories that tell of both human tragedy and the perseverance of victims of crime and their families.

We have with us today, in the Senate gallery, a family of unwavering courage and dignity. The Ilesic family went through something no parent or loved one should ever have to experience, and that is the loss of their son Brian, who was cut down in the prime of life by an act of unspeakable violence.

On June 15, 2012, Brian Ilesic’s fate was forever changed in a tragedy that shook our community to its very core. That day, while he was hard at work at the University of Alberta, he fell victim to a violent, unthinkable crime.

One of his colleagues, blinded by greed and full of contempt for human life, opened fire in what has been described as the deadliest armed robbery in our history. Three armoured guards were gunned down, and Brian was one of them. With his exemplary work ethic and kindness, Brian would have never imagined that his commitment to keeping others safe would lead to his death.

This tragedy left an indelible mark on the hearts of his family members and rocked our entire nation. It reminded us how fragile life is and how important it is to protect our citizens.

Dianne and Mike Ilesic have joined us not only to bear witness to a grief that never truly fades, but also to show exactly what it means to have a broken heart. Their presence here is a poignant reminder that behind every decision, there are faces, names and lives left in disarray.

The solidarity and comfort they found in a support group, and the courage they showed in sharing their story with the public, are bright lights that shine through the darkness of their ordeal. These actions are not only liberating, they are also forging alliances that are effecting positive change in our society.

However, their quest for justice and peace was recently undermined by a Supreme Court of Canada decision. That decision could allow the person who took their son’s life to seek parole much sooner than expected. Their story is also the story of too many Canadians whose lives have been affected by similar crimes.

Colleagues, this decision challenges the very foundations of our justice system. It casts light on a deep-seated flaw in our justice system, namely that the severity of the punishment does not always match the gravity of the crime.

That’s why I will be introducing a bill this afternoon that seeks to balance the scales of justice.

To the Ilesic family and to all grieving families, I want you to know that I see your pain and I hear your call for justice. Your fight for the memory of your loved ones will henceforth be my fight. Thank you.

498 words
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