
Decentralized Democracy

Senate Volume 153, Issue 168

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 7, 2023 02:00PM

Hon. Andrew Cardozo: I agree very much with the intent of what you have said, Senator Arnot. I agree very much with Senator Boisvenu’s amendment, but I have — excuse me, I think I have the floor. Thank you.

I’m thinking of some of the voices we heard. When you say, “What do we have to lose? What is the downside?” My answer is, “Bill C-21.” I want to say a couple of things. I look to PolySeSouvient, which said:

We recommend that the Senate pass the bill as is so that it can be implemented as quickly as possible. We support Bill C-21 because of some of the very strong measures to better protect victims of intimate violence, as well as the public safety potential of the freeze on handgun purchases in addition to other measures.

We can try to make every bill perfect, but we live in the real world. The chaos in the other place is enormous. Let’s not pretend it’s not happening. The chance of getting Bill C-21 passed by sending it back to the House — are you prepared to give that up to ensure your amendment, which Senator Lankin just outlined is ensured in many places? Adding it here wouldn’t ensure it any further, in my view.

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