
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Colin Deacon: Would Senator Quinn take a question?

Senator Quinn: Yes.

Senator C. Deacon: I understand that over the 100 years leading up to 1990, ocean sea levels rose by about 10 centimetres, but since 1990, the rate has about tripled, so it’s another 10 centimetres. That means the 400-year-old Acadian dikes are seeing more change, more rapidly, than before. Do you have data that speaks to that more eloquently than I can, to the urgency?

Senator Quinn: We heard evidence at committee where exactly that type of situation was described, and the numbers are, of course, in our transcripts. But sea-level rise is increasing faster and faster every year. I can say that with some certainty because when I started at Port Saint John in 2010, we had docks on the west side of our port that were dry. When I left in 2021, those docks were regularly covered with water. That’s attributable directly to the sea level rise that I personally saw as the CEO of Port Saint John.

Senator C. Deacon: That causes me to recall a daughter of Saint John Catherine McKinnon, who made a Nova Scotian ballad quite famous in the 1960s. It causes me to think: If we don’t act on this, will the rest of Canada be saying, “Farewell to Nova Scotia”?

Senator Quinn: I certainly won’t attempt to sing that song here, but I will say that I have been asked about this. Here I am, a senator from southern New Brunswick, from the city of Saint John — the south end of Saint John. As young lads, Senator Cormier and I used to play street hockey together down in Saint John. It is a fond memory we both share.

The reality is that as a former CEO of Port Saint John, I could say that Nova Scotia’s becoming an island might be to the advantage of my former port because they would get residual business. There’s no question about that. But as I’ve said to people who asked me why I am taking this on, it’s because I’m a senator in the Senate of Canada. I have to raise my level of understanding and vision to my region and to Canada and what’s important to Canada.

That’s why I’ve been championing this particular initiative. This area is so vitally important to our transportation system but also to the protection of the Trans-Canada Highway, the rail line that runs through there, the farmlands that have been established and, as importantly, to the people of the area, who know that their cities of Amherst and Sackville will be flooded — one at 35%, and one at 50-60%. We heard that in committee. That could lead to loss of life. It will lead to loss of property.

I am fully committed to doing my best in my job to represent this regional issue because otherwise it might not be heard. That’s why I talk so passionately about getting this through the Senate. We’re the Senate; we’re not the elected chamber. If my colleagues here decide to pass this, the bill goes to the elected chamber. Let them have their debate. Let them decide whether this will go to the next step.

If it goes to the next step, it goes to cabinet. If cabinet decides to do something, they have that choice. They can decide to do nothing. They can decide to leave it where it is now, where negotiations have maxed out in terms of the money, the 50-cent dollars.

Again, I’m urging that we pass this bill so it gives a chance for additional negotiations. I don’t expect that we will get 100-cent dollars. That’s not what this is about. This is about fairness. This is about equity. This is about being treated fairly.

Two or three weeks ago, we heard about a well-deserving project being funded at 60% by the federal government. You have heard me speak about other projects that have been funded at 100%. I’m just looking for at least the fairness of what we witnessed at the 60% level. But that’s not my decision. It’s not the decision of parliamentarians. It will become the decision of our cabinet should they choose to go in that direction.

I say let’s give them the chance in the lower chamber to have their debate. If it goes to the government, the government will decide.

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