
Decentralized Democracy

Bill C-71

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 17, 2024
  • This enactment amends the Citizenship Act to, among other things,

    (a)ensure that citizenship by descent is conferred on all persons who were born outside Canada before the coming into force of this enactment to a parent who was a citizen;

    (b)confer citizenship by descent on persons born outside Canada after the first generation, on or after the coming into force of this enactment, to a parent who is a citizen and who had a substantial connection to Canada before the person’s birth;

    (c)allow citizenship to be granted under section 5.‍1 of that Act to all persons born outside Canada who were adopted before the coming into force of this enactment by a parent who was a citizen;

    (d)allow citizenship to be granted under section 5.‍1 of that Act to persons born outside Canada who are adopted on or after the coming into force of this enactment by a parent who is a citizen and who had a substantial connection to Canada before the person’s adoption;

    (e)restore citizenship to persons who lost their citizenship because they did not make an application to retain it under the former section 8 of that Act or because they made an application under that section that was not approved; and

    (f)allow certain persons who become citizens as a result of the coming into force of this enactment to access a simplified process to renounce their citizenship.

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  • RA
  • Yea
  • Nay (1)
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