
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill 64

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 22, 2023
  • This is a law called the Chosen Family Day Act, 2023. It recognizes the importance of chosen families, which are made up of people who are not biologically related but are chosen to be a family. Chosen families are especially important for LGBTQ+ individuals who may have been rejected by their biological families. Chosen Family Day is celebrated on February 22 each year to honor the significance of chosen families. The law was passed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario and comes into effect as soon as it receives Royal Assent.
  • H1
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  • RA
  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • A steelman argument in favor of Bill 64 2023, the Chosen Family Day Act, could be as follows: Chosen Family Day is an important recognition of the significance and value of chosen families, particularly for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals who may have experienced rejection from their biological families. Chosen families provide a sense of acceptance, belonging, and support for individuals who may have faced discrimination and marginalization in their lives. By proclaiming Chosen Family Day on February 22 of each year, the Act acknowledges and celebrates the unique bonds and relationships that are formed within chosen families. This recognition helps to promote inclusivity and diversity within society, fostering a sense of understanding and respect for different family structures. Furthermore, the Act acknowledges the historical roots of chosen families within the ballroom culture of Black communities. This recognition highlights the importance of intersectionality and the contributions of racialized members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in shaping and nurturing chosen families. By designating a specific day to celebrate chosen families, the Act encourages public awareness and education about the experiences and needs of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals. This can contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society, where individuals are free to choose their own support systems and find love and understanding in their chosen families. In conclusion, the Chosen Family Day Act recognizes and celebrates the importance of chosen families, providing a platform for inclusivity, acceptance, and understanding for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals. By proclaiming a specific day to honor chosen families, the Act promotes social awareness and fosters a more inclusive society.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill 64 2023: While it is important to recognize and support individuals who may have been rejected by their biological families, the government should not be involved in proclaiming Chosen Family Day. This act represents unnecessary government intervention and further expands the reach of the state into the personal lives of its citizens. Firstly, the government should not be in the business of promoting specific types of relationships or families. By proclaiming Chosen Family Day, the government is essentially endorsing and prioritizing one particular form of family structure over others. This goes against the principles of limited government and individual freedom, as it implies that the government has the authority to dictate what constitutes a valid family unit. Furthermore, the celebration of Chosen Family Day may inadvertently undermine the importance of traditional family structures. Traditional families, based on biological relationships, have been the foundation of society for centuries. By elevating chosen families above traditional families, the government risks devaluing the role and significance of biological ties and the responsibilities that come with them. Additionally, the government's involvement in proclaiming Chosen Family Day sets a dangerous precedent. If the government can proclaim a day to celebrate chosen families, what is to stop them from proclaiming days for other specific groups or causes? This opens the door for potential favoritism and division within society, as different groups may vie for recognition and special treatment from the government. Lastly, the government's focus should be on addressing broader societal issues rather than promoting specific types of relationships. There are pressing matters such as the economy, healthcare, and public safety that require the government's attention and resources. Proclaiming Chosen Family Day distracts from these more important issues and diverts resources away from areas that could have a more significant impact on the well-being of all citizens. In conclusion, while it is important to support and recognize individuals who have found acceptance and belonging in chosen families, the government should not be involved in proclaiming Chosen Family Day. This act represents unnecessary government intervention, undermines traditional family structures, sets a dangerous precedent, and distracts from more pressing societal issues.
  • Feb. 22, 2023, noon
  • In Progress
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