
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill PR20

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 18, 2023
  • This is a law called Bill PR20 2023. It is about reviving a company called 414087 Ontario Limited. The person applying for this law, Marian Grexton, used to be a director, officer, and shareholder of the company when it was dissolved in 1994. Marian wants to revive the company so she can deal with some real estate that the company owned at the time of dissolution. The law states that the application should be granted, and it revives the company, restoring all its property, rights, and liabilities as if it had never been dissolved. The law will come into effect once it receives Royal Assent and its official name is the 414087 Ontario Limited Act, 2023.
  • H1
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • Steelman Argument: The revival of 414087 Ontario Limited through the Bill PR20 2023 is a necessary and justified action. The applicant, Marian Grexton, was a director, officer, and shareholder of the corporation when it was dissolved. The dissolution occurred due to the corporation's failure to comply with subsection 241(3) of the Business Corporations Act. The primary reason for reviving the corporation is to address the real property that was held in its name at the time of dissolution. By reviving the corporation, Marian Grexton will be able to deal with this property in a legal and appropriate manner. This will ensure that the property is not left in a state of limbo and can be properly managed and utilized. Granting the application for revival is appropriate because it allows the corporation to be restored to its legal position, including all its property, rights, privileges, and franchises. It also subjects the corporation to all its liabilities, contracts, disabilities, and debts as of the date of its dissolution. This ensures that the corporation takes responsibility for its past actions and obligations. Furthermore, the revival of 414087 Ontario Limited does not infringe upon the rights of any other individuals or entities. The Bill explicitly states that the revival is subject to any rights acquired by any person after the dissolution of the corporation. This means that any legitimate claims or interests that have arisen since the dissolution will be respected and protected. In conclusion, the revival of 414087 Ontario Limited through Bill PR20 2023 is a fair and necessary action. It allows for the proper management of the corporation's assets, ensures accountability for past obligations, and respects the rights of other parties involved.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill PR20 2023: The revival of 414087 Ontario Limited through Bill PR20 2023 is a concerning example of government overreach and interference in the free market. This legislation sets a dangerous precedent by granting special privileges to a specific individual and corporation, undermining the principles of fairness and equal treatment under the law. Firstly, reviving a dissolved corporation goes against the natural course of the market. When a corporation fails to comply with legal requirements and is dissolved, it is a clear indication that it was unable to meet the necessary standards for operation. Granting special legislation to revive such a corporation sends the wrong message to other businesses and individuals, suggesting that they can neglect their obligations and still receive preferential treatment from the government. Furthermore, this legislation allows 414087 Ontario Limited to regain all its property, rights, privileges, and franchises, while also being relieved of its liabilities, contracts, disabilities, and debts. This not only unfairly benefits the corporation but also places an undue burden on other individuals and businesses who may have been affected by its dissolution. It is fundamentally unjust to absolve a corporation of its responsibilities while others in similar situations are held accountable for their actions. Additionally, the revival of 414087 Ontario Limited raises concerns about the potential for corruption and cronyism within the government. Granting special legislation to a specific individual and corporation suggests that political connections and influence can be used to bypass the normal legal processes. This undermines the principles of meritocracy and fair competition, which are essential for a thriving free market. In conclusion, Bill PR20 2023 sets a dangerous precedent by granting special privileges to 414087 Ontario Limited. It undermines the principles of fairness, equal treatment under the law, and free market competition. This legislation represents an overreach of government power and raises concerns about corruption and cronyism.
  • May 18, 2023, noon
  • Read
  • March 29, 2023, midnight
  • Passed