
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill PR28

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
December 06, 2023
  • This is a law called the South Simcoe Developments Inc. Act, 2023. It is about reviving a corporation called South Simcoe Developments Inc. The person who applied for this law, Alon Szpindel, used to be a director and president of the corporation when it was dissolved. Despite being dissolved, the corporation has still been doing business, and Alon wants to revive it so that it can continue operating. The law states that the corporation will be revived and restored to its previous legal position, including all its property, rights, and debts. The law will come into effect once it receives Royal Assent.
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One possible steelman argument in favor of Bill PR28 2023, the South Simcoe Developments Inc. Act, is as follows: Reviving South Simcoe Developments Inc. is justified because it allows for the continuation of a business that has been operating despite its dissolution. The applicant, Alon Szpindel, claims to have been a director and president of the corporation when it was dissolved, and asserts that business has been carried on in the name of the corporation even after its dissolution. By reviving the corporation, it can resume its operations and fulfill its contractual obligations, ensuring continuity for its employees, clients, and stakeholders. Granting the application to revive the corporation is a fair and reasonable solution, as it restores South Simcoe Developments Inc. to its legal position, including all its property, rights, privileges, and franchises. This means that the corporation can regain control over its assets and continue its business activities without any interruption. Additionally, reviving the corporation ensures that it takes responsibility for its liabilities, contracts, disabilities, and debts, as of the date of its dissolution. This demonstrates a commitment to accountability and fairness. Furthermore, reviving South Simcoe Developments Inc. aligns with the principles of economic growth and job creation. The corporation has likely been contributing to the local economy and providing employment opportunities. By allowing it to continue operating, the Act supports the preservation of jobs and the potential for future expansion, which can have positive effects on the community and the overall economy. In conclusion, the South Simcoe Developments Inc. Act, 2023, is a justifiable measure that enables the revival of a corporation that has been carrying on business despite its dissolution. By restoring the corporation to its legal position, it ensures continuity, accountability, and economic benefits for all parties involved.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill PR28 2023: The revival of South Simcoe Developments Inc. through Bill PR28 2023 raises concerns from a right-wing anti-government perspective. This legislation sets a dangerous precedent by granting special privileges to a specific corporation, undermining the principles of free market competition and limited government intervention. Firstly, reviving a dissolved corporation goes against the principles of accountability and personal responsibility. If a corporation fails to comply with the regulations and requirements set forth by the Business Corporations Act, it should face the consequences of dissolution. Granting special legislation to revive a dissolved corporation sends the message that individuals and businesses can neglect their obligations and still receive preferential treatment from the government. Furthermore, reviving South Simcoe Developments Inc. could potentially harm other businesses in the same industry. By restoring the corporation to its previous legal position, including all its property, rights, and privileges, it creates an unfair advantage over competitors who have followed the proper procedures and remained in compliance with the law. This undermines the principles of fair competition and rewards irresponsible behavior. From a limited government perspective, this legislation sets a dangerous precedent by allowing the government to intervene in the affairs of private businesses. Granting special legislation to revive a specific corporation sets a precedent for future requests, potentially leading to a slippery slope of government interference in the free market. This goes against the principles of individual liberty and limited government intervention that are central to right-wing ideologies. In conclusion, Bill PR28 2023, which revives South Simcoe Developments Inc., raises concerns from a right-wing anti-government perspective. Granting special privileges to a dissolved corporation undermines accountability, fair competition, and the principles of limited government intervention. It is important to uphold the principles of personal responsibility and free market competition, rather than granting special treatment to specific corporations.
  • Dec. 6, 2023, noon
  • Read
  • Dec. 6, 2023, noon
  • Passed
  • Sept. 27, 2023, noon
  • Passed