
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill PR31

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
December 06, 2023
  • This is a law called the Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited Act, 2023. It is about reviving a corporation called Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited. The person who applied for this law, Barry Feiner, used to be a director and president of the corporation when it was dissolved. Despite being dissolved, the corporation has still been doing business under its name. Barry wants to revive the corporation so that it can continue its business. The law states that the corporation will be revived and restored to its previous legal position, including all its property, rights, and liabilities. The law will come into effect once it receives Royal Assent. Its official name is the Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited Act, 2023.
  • H1
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  • RA
  • Yea
  • Nay
  • star_border

SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One possible steelman argument in favor of this act is as follows: Reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited through special legislation is justified in order to ensure fairness and continuity for the corporation and its stakeholders. Despite being dissolved under the Business Corporations Act, the applicant, Barry Feiner, claims that business has been ongoing under the corporation's name. By reviving the corporation, it can continue its operations without disruption and honor its existing contracts, liabilities, and debts. Granting this application would restore Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited to its legal position, including all its property, rights, privileges, and franchises. This would provide certainty and protection for the corporation's assets and interests, allowing it to resume its business activities seamlessly. Additionally, reviving the corporation would also benefit its employees, customers, and other stakeholders who rely on its operations for their livelihoods and business relationships. Furthermore, reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited would not infringe upon the rights of any person who acquired rights after the dissolution. The act explicitly states that the revival is subject to any rights acquired by any person after the dissolution, ensuring that their interests are not compromised. In summary, granting the application to revive Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited is a fair and reasonable course of action to maintain continuity, protect the corporation's assets and interests, and provide stability for its stakeholders.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill PR31 2023: While the intention behind Bill PR31 2023 may seem reasonable on the surface, it is important to consider the potential negative consequences of reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited through special legislation. This bill sets a dangerous precedent by allowing a dissolved corporation to be revived, which undermines the principles of free market competition and personal responsibility. Firstly, reviving a dissolved corporation goes against the principles of a free market economy. In a truly competitive market, businesses must adapt and compete to survive. By reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited, the government is essentially granting it a second chance without having to face the consequences of its previous failures. This not only creates an unfair advantage for the corporation, but it also discourages innovation and efficiency in the marketplace. Furthermore, reviving a dissolved corporation through special legislation sets a concerning precedent for other struggling businesses. If Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited is granted this privilege, it opens the door for other corporations to seek similar treatment in the future. This could lead to a situation where the government becomes responsible for bailing out failing businesses, creating a moral hazard and burdening taxpayers with the costs of corporate mismanagement. Additionally, reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited disregards the importance of personal responsibility. When a corporation fails and is dissolved, it is typically a result of poor management or financial missteps. Allowing the corporation to be revived without addressing these underlying issues sends the message that individuals and businesses are not accountable for their actions. This undermines the principles of personal responsibility and may encourage reckless behavior in the corporate world. In conclusion, while the intentions behind Bill PR31 2023 may be well-meaning, it is important to consider the potential negative consequences. Reviving Geranium (Hillsdale) Limited through special legislation undermines free market competition, sets a concerning precedent, and disregards personal responsibility. It is crucial to prioritize a fair and competitive marketplace that rewards success and holds businesses accountable for their actions.
  • Dec. 6, 2023, noon
  • Read
  • Dec. 6, 2023, noon
  • Passed
  • Sept. 27, 2023, noon
  • Passed