
Decentralized Democracy

Heather McPherson

  • Member of Parliament
  • NDP
  • Edmonton Strathcona
  • Alberta
  • Voting Attendance: 64%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $189,044.82

  • Government Page
  • Jun/6/24 2:30:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, border workers keep Canadians safe. They are critical to keeping illegal firearms out of the country and protecting our border, but when it comes to their pensions, CBSA workers are not treated like other public safety officials. CBSA employees are relying on the minister to keep her promise and give fair retirement benefits. When will the minister treat CBSA officers fairly and offer them an equitable pension so that they can get the respect they deserve?
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Madam Speaker, I would like to echo some of my colleagues in this place in thanking the member for bringing forward this legislation and to thank him for the work he has done protecting human rights around the world. I have been a fan of his work since before I was elected. I do have some concerns, though, in that we have heard that the United States has been able to stop goods made with slave labour or potential forced labour. Over 14,000 shipments have been stopped, yet in Canada, that is not the case. There has, in fact, only been one case. We have been told that the CBSA has no capacity to do that, so I am wondering how the member anticipates getting over that particular hurdle.
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