
Decentralized Democracy

Ali Ehsassi

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Willowdale
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 62%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $132,494.39

  • Government Page
  • Apr/18/24 10:17:28 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to table two petitions today. They follow on the heels of a day of action that took place here, where over 40 Afghan and Iranian women descended upon Ottawa to meet with members of Parliament and with senators to urge them to recognize the crime of gender apartheid. The first petition from Afghan women essentially demands that international institutions recognize gender apartheid as a crime against humanity. It goes on to urge the acceleration of the International Criminal Court's investigation of the Taliban. Finally, it advocates for feminist principles and for universalism of human rights to be reflected in existing and emergent international law. The second petition I am honoured to table is from Iranian Canadian women, asking for the adoption of the position that gender apartheid constitutes a crime against humanity. They are demanding that international efforts be made to recognize gender apartheid as a crime against humanity in international law. Finally, they are demanding that we take effective, concerted action to adopt proactive policies to exert pressure on the Iranian government, and any regime that uses systematic gender apartheid, and that we take steps to convince other countries to adopt similar policies.
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  • Jun/22/22 4:46:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to rise today to present two petitions on behalf of my constituents in Willowdale, both of which pertain to our government's response to Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. The first petition has been signed by over 500 individuals from across the country, and it is put forward by youth activists who cite existing laws on hate speech and hate symbols. Against the backdrop of rising vandalism and intimidation in our country regarding Russian military emblems, petitioners are calling upon the government to ban the “V” and “Z” symbols, as well as the ribbon of St. George, on the basis that they serve as symbols of hate. The second petition speaks to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and asks that our government uphold our tradition of peacekeeping and press for an urgent ceasefire and the securing of humanitarian corridors for aid to Ukrainians. The petitioners suggest that such an event might coincide with an internationally recognized humanitarian day of recognition. Both of these petitions highlight our expressions of solidarity with the courageous people of Ukraine. I am grateful to the petitioners for drawing attention to the issue and I am honoured to present these petitions in the House on their behalf. Mr. Speaker, allow me to join other colleagues in wishing you and your family a splendid summer.
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