
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Québec
  • Quebec
  • Voting Attendance: 62%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $169,298.52

  • Government Page
  • Nov/20/23 3:03:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for that important question. She said that we should do our job. That is exactly what we are doing by combining the requirements and demands of national defence and the interest of supporting our aerospace industry in Canada and Quebec. We know that 20,000 jobs in Canada support our aerospace industry. That amounts to nearly $200 billion in investments and economic activity every year. We will continue to be there for them.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:28:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for pointing out the amazing work that the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and all the other ministers from Quebec accomplish for Quebeckers every day. One example that I am sure he knows about is the Davie shipyard, which is very close to my riding. In March 2023, it became part of Canada's new national shipbuilding strategy, all because of the effective leadership of Liberal members from Quebec over the past few years.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:26:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for taking the time to ask that very important question. This gives me an opportunity to say how important the aerospace industry is in Quebec and across the country. It contributes nearly $25 billion to the GDP every year and provides more than 200,000 aerospace jobs across the country, including, obviously, at every supplier in the huge supply chain. That is why we have the opportunity to continue to support it, and we will have the opportunity to continue to do so over the coming years.
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  • Nov/7/23 2:45:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to say a big thank you to our colleague for raising the issue of housing. It is both important and timely. This morning, we announced that Canada Lands Company will build 28,000 new homes over the next five years, including 5,000 new affordable housing units, which is twice the amount that has been built in the past 30 years. This is a clear example of how municipalities, non-profit and for-profit organizations and the Canadian government can work together to create more affordable housing for more people in this country.
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  • Oct/24/23 3:03:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, once again I thank my colleague for giving me an opportunity to further clarify the importance of investing in aeronautics, not only in Quebec but across the country. We know Bombardier is an outstanding partner, key to other players in the country's aeronautics space, such as General Dynamics here in Ottawa, that are making huge contributions to the technological capacity to support National Defence's significant needs.
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  • Oct/24/23 3:02:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for allowing me to speak about the importance of aeronautics in Quebec. It is a point of pride for us. In recent years, we have made significant investments not only in businesses, but also, and just as importantly, in middle-class employees, to ensure that they can continue to pay their families' bills and contribute to technological and economic development in Quebec and across the country.
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  • Mar/29/23 2:44:27 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to hear the member make the connection with the major investments announced by the Prime Minister on February 6 and confirmed in the budget tabled yesterday by the Minister of Finance. These investments will support hundreds of thousands of Canadians, patients and workers across Quebec. In addition, the dental insurance program that will be implemented in the coming years and months will also help millions of Quebeckers take better care of their oral health.
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  • Nov/14/22 2:42:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I commend the member for putting more focus on results, on the things that actually need to be done, such as reducing wait times for surgeries and diagnostics; increasing access to family doctors, especially in rural areas; increasing access to mental health care; ensuring that home care and long-term care are accessible and distributed fairly; and supporting health care workers who need it so much and who need us to help them take care of one another.
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  • Nov/14/22 2:40:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am glad the member ended with “giving money”. Giving money is what we have been doing for several years now. We certainly did that when we invested $72 billion to fight COVID-19. Those investments continue because COVID-19 is unfortunately still around. In the last budget, we invested $2 billion to reduce the backlogs in surgeries and diagnostics. We also invested $3 billion in mental health, $3 billion in long-term care and $3 billion in home care. I could go on and on, but I know I do not have much time. If the member wants to know more about the money, another question would be helpful.
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  • Nov/14/22 2:28:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for pointing out the useful battle that we need to be waging, the battle for our health care workers, who are suffering, who are sick and who left the profession in droves in Quebec and other parts of the country. They need our help to be able to take care of those who are seriously ill right now and who did not have the surgeries and diagnoses they should have over the past few months. Let us talk about that useful battle because that is what is important for workers and patients across the country.
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  • Oct/25/22 2:42:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member is absolutely right. Many of us in Canada and Quebec know that dental care is important. That obviously includes businesses and Canadians who already have access to dental insurance. About 4% of dental care expenses are paid by the provinces and territories, and 40% of dental care is unfortunately paid by people who do not have access to dental insurance. That is why all Canadians, including Quebeckers, will be able to benefit from the insurance program provided by the Canadian government.
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  • Oct/25/22 2:41:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we very much appreciate this question, which allows me to speak of the importance of dental care for our children. If Parliament agrees, of course, 500,000 children in Canada will have access to a dental benefit. For Quebec children in particular, there will be additional support for preventative dental care. We know that prevention is key to good health, and the Canadian government will be there to help families and children across Canada, and definitely in Quebec.
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  • Oct/24/22 2:27:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very grateful to the hon. member for giving me the opportunity to talk about the Canada child benefit that we introduced in July 2016. Every month, it helps reduce child poverty in his riding and in mine by 40%. Every month, more than 450,000 children are lifted out of poverty, in addition to their parents, of course, thanks to the benefit that we introduced in July 2016. Unfortunately, the Bloc Québécois voted against the Canada child benefit in July 2016, if I remember correctly.
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  • Oct/24/22 2:25:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am grateful to the member for asking the question and pleased to have the opportunity to point out that children under the age of 10 and their families already have access to dental care in Quebec, but that the Government of Canada's additional investment complements the existing program, specifically in the area of prevention. Kids can get fluoride treatments, scaling, cleaning and preventive care for their gums. All those services are now eligible for the Canada dental benefit, which, we hope, will get through committee and the Senate quickly.
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  • Oct/17/22 12:27:01 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-31 
Madam Speaker, the member certainly did a very good job. I am sure, then, that he is familiar with the Canada housing benefit, which has been paid to 100,000 households in Quebec for some time now. This figure represents about one-third of the households covered by the Canada housing benefit across the country. My colleague is surely aware of the considerable investments that are being made to help the Government of Quebec and all of the housing partners, whether it be low-cost housing, non-profits or housing co-ops, and to secure community housing, which, as he rightly said, is essential to ensure the quality of life of hundreds of thousands of low-income renters in Canada and Quebec.
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  • Oct/17/22 12:19:34 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-31 
Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to be asked a question about my riding of Québec, where there is a large number of community organizations such as low-cost housing, housing co-operatives and housing non-profits that have been working very hard since 2015 to support and strengthen the Canadian government’s efforts as part of the first housing strategy in the country’s history. I am sure that that is also the case in my colleague’s riding and that these housing co-operatives and housing non-profits are delighted with the national housing strategy we put in place in 2015, which supports hundreds of thousands of low-income renters throughout Quebec.
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  • Sep/22/22 10:20:52 a.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-31 
Madam Speaker, there is good news for children in Quebec. Quebec's system partially covers dental care for children up to the age of nine and we are proud of that. The good news is that the Canadian government is going to expand that coverage to older children and to more types of care. Preventive health care is essential in Quebec and all across the country. We want the sick to be properly looked after, and we also want to prevent people from getting sick. The additional coverage that our government is providing through the Canada dental benefit will give hundreds of thousands of kids under the age of 12 in Quebec access to better preventive dental care.
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  • Sep/22/22 10:19:33 a.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-31 
Madam Speaker, before answering definitely yes to the last question, I would like to correct the introduction a little. The introduction to the question suggests that we have not worked together over the past few months. I suggest that my hon. colleague speak to his counterpart, Quebec's health minister—even though he may be a little busy right now—and check with him about all the exchanges we have had over the past year, which led to positive health outcomes, especially in the fight against COVID-19. Those outcomes have been significant for the country and certainly for all Quebeckers.
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  • Mar/25/22 11:27:15 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, this allows me to highlight the role, importance and benefits of a federation that has been working together for more than two years. The reason why Canada was able to emerge from the pandemic earlier and in better shape than many other countries is that we had the benefit of a federation where governments worked together to deliver 81 million doses of vaccines, 400 million rapid tests and several billion pieces of PPE. We were able to provide assistance to those who needed it. Fully $8 out of very $10 was provided for people to buy groceries, even if they were unemployed because of the pandemic. All of that was possible because of the strength of our federation.
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  • Mar/25/22 11:25:47 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member is absolutely right. Not only are we listening, but we have been working together for several months now. My colleague, the former health minister, did just that for several months, from the beginning of the pandemic. We talk almost every week. We are working together. That is why we now have a Canada health transfer that is going to increase from $43 billion to $45 billion and why we have also allocated an additional $70 billion during the pandemic, on top of the $3 billion for long-term care, the $3 billion for mental health care and another $3 billion to support people who want to stay in their homes and receive the appropriate care. Unfortunately, I see the Chair is rising a little sooner than I would have liked.
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