
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Québec
  • Quebec
  • Voting Attendance: 62%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $169,298.52

  • Government Page
  • Jun/10/24 2:42:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I will reiterate exactly the same things I summarized a few moments ago. The Auditor General's work is essential, not only on this issue, but on many other issues where her advice and recommendations are changing the way we can improve services to Canadians, including by increasing integrity and trust in procurement processes. That said, we have many other things to do, including continuing to invest in the middle class, not least by taking advantage of last week's great announcement that interest rates went down for the first time in four years, making us the first G7 country to make this happen.
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  • Jun/10/24 2:40:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for that question, which gives me an opportunity to remind the House of the importance of the work of the Auditor General and of all other institutions and officials of the House of Commons. That is why the report that she tabled last week was well received. This report sets out observations and findings that are almost identical to those we have been aware of for almost a year now. For that reason, we will continue to expedite the work that has also been ongoing for just over a year now.
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  • Jun/5/24 3:12:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it may indeed be that our colleague was distracted when I spoke about the matter many times during question period. I am happy to repeat the same answer to the same question, which is that we thank the Auditor General for her report. It contains recommendations and views that have been understood and heard in many other reports in previous months. We have been acting on those recommendations for more than a year now. There is nothing more to add, except that today is an important day for Canadians and their economy. For the first time in four years, there has been a fall in the interest rate, the first decrease across all the G7 countries.
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  • Jun/5/24 3:04:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Auditor General's recommendations are indeed very similar, and often identical, to those that have already been published and have been known for several months. We have been taking significant action for more than a year now on the issues my colleague mentioned. It bears saying not only that we will continue the work, but that it is important to do so to ensure the integrity of all procurement processes and the confidence Canadians have in those processes.
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  • Jun/5/24 3:03:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for allowing me the opportunity to thank the Auditor General of Canada once again for her important work on this and many other files. Yesterday, we heard the Auditor General reach findings that are very similar, and at times identical, to the findings of reports that the government published about a year ago. Based on these previous shared findings, we have been taking action for over a year now to end the standing offers with McKinsey and all similar companies.
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  • Jun/4/24 3:13:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are grateful to the Auditor General for her important report. Although the report comes to similar conclusions as the reports released by the government last year, it is obviously important input so that we can continue the work that we have done, such as making sure that we are, for instance, removing McKinsey and similar companies from standing offers. We are also introducing stricter requirements for other departments to do their own contracting in a way that guarantees integrity and confidence in our procurement process.
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  • Jun/4/24 3:01:36 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member is absolutely right to draw attention to two things. The first is security. The second is spending. Let us begin with spending. The President of the Treasury Board has been very clear over the past few months. We are reducing professional services contracts by 15% to give the public service even more latitude and capacity to serve Canadians. When it comes to security, the Auditor General was very clear. She said that we needed more information and more capacity to store and share this information at the appropriate time.
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  • Jun/4/24 3:00:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this is another great opportunity to thank and congratulate the Auditor General on her important work. Her conclusions, of course, are similar to those we have been hearing in recent months. These conclusions have enabled us, over the past few months, to take those previous findings into account and take action to put an end to standing offers with McKinsey and all other similar companies. We are also introducing stricter and more legitimate requirements for all other government departments to do their own contracting.
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  • Jun/4/24 2:47:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am happy to repeat what I just said in the other official language. We thank the Auditor General of Canada for her important work on this file. The report reaches conclusions similar to those in the report that was released by the government last year. Nevertheless, we will continue to take the findings into account. For example, standing offers with McKinsey and all similar companies were cancelled a year ago, and we will continue to implement stricter requirements for departments that do their own contracting.
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  • Jun/4/24 2:46:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for asking this important question, which allows me to thank the Auditor General for her important work on this topic. The report comes to similar conclusions to those of the report that was released by the government last year. Based on those previous findings, we have been acting for more than a year to end the standing offers with McKinsey and all similar companies, as well as introducing stricter requirements for departments with their own contracting authorities.
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  • Jun/4/24 2:39:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for giving me another opportunity to thank the Auditor General for her very important work. The findings of her report are similar to those we already have seen and heard from Government of Canada agencies and committees of the House of Commons in recent months. In light of the previous findings, we have been taking action for over a year to put an end to all the standing offers, including those with companies similar to McKinsey.
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  • Jun/3/24 3:06:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am delighted to answer that question. My colleague is well aware that the Auditor General's work is not only very important, but very much appreciated by the Canadian government. We look forward to her report tomorrow, of course. We already know that it will continue to assist us further in the important work that we all need to do to ensure the proper and timely delivery of public services to Canadians, including the Canadian dental care plan, which is working very well across the country, especially in Quebec.
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  • Apr/18/24 2:55:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I already answered that question once today. I am delighted to answer it again. The member knows full well that internal investigations into this matter have been under way for some time. She also knows that the Auditor General's report is now known and that important measures have been put in place as a result of that report. She also knows that it would be completely inappropriate for politicians in the House to claim they could do a better job or know more about the work of these organizations, especially the RCMP.
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  • Apr/11/24 3:06:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as our colleague, the Minister of Public Safety, has said repeatedly, repeating falsehoods does not make those falsehoods true. What the members opposite should know, however, is that the Auditor General tabled an important report just a few weeks ago, which found that rules were not followed by a few public servants. Fortunately, many of these rules have been updated, and regulations and expectations around the use of those rules have been clearly communicated to all relevant public servants.
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  • Mar/18/24 3:03:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as many ministers, including the CBSA minister, have often said, what happened during COVID-19 regarding the application was unacceptable, despite the fact that it was at a moment when it was important for public servants to be efficient and act quickly. Unfortunately, some of the rules were not followed. There is more work to do, although much of the work that the Auditor General asked us to do has already been implemented.
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  • Feb/27/24 3:04:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, a little less than four years ago, Canada was going into the worst health crisis since 1919 and the worst economic crisis since 1929-30. We had to close the border at the request of then President Trump. We had to deal with $1 billion a year in economic costs and with the hundreds of people who were dying every week in long-term care facilities in Quebec and across the country. We had to act quickly and effectively. That is what we asked the public service to do. However, public servants were supposed to follow the rules. Unfortunately, some of those rules were not followed. That is what the Auditor General found.
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  • Feb/27/24 2:58:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like begin by congratulating my colleague, whom I like a lot, on his ability to repeat his leader's slogans. The Conservatives are working hard on that. What they are less good at is following the news. For weeks now the Auditor General has been working with many other organizations, including the RCMP, to shed light on the disturbing observations she raised in her report just a few weeks ago.
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  • Feb/27/24 2:52:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know how good the Conservative Party is in providing slogans and doing all those sorts of things. However, it is a bit strange to say that this is breaking news because it has been known for many weeks now that the RCMP and the Auditor General have been working really well together, and they will keep working together really well. That is what their jobs are about.
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  • Feb/27/24 2:51:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to hear that question. I want to acknowledge the remarkable work done by the Auditor General. She indicated her support for the RCMP's operations several weeks ago. That is not new. She has stated this publicly many times. We could help the member find the places where she did that. She clearly said that she was already in contact with the RCMP to ensure that everyone can do their job.
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  • Feb/26/24 3:04:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I basically answered that question before. What I would add, however, is the importance and value of the Auditor General's work. She deserves not only our thanks, but also our encouragement in performing her work. She plays an essential role in our democracy, because Parliament and parliamentarians rely on her efforts to force governments to do the right thing and ensure that all public servants follow the rules.
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