
Decentralized Democracy

Andréanne Larouche

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Bloc Québécois
  • Shefford
  • Quebec
  • Voting Attendance: 63%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $204,458.64

  • Government Page
  • Sep/19/24 12:19:41 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his speech, but after hearing what he had to say, I have some questions. I would like to know what the Conservatives plan to do about housing, other than the Conservative leader 's bill, which would basically impose conditions on cities and punish them. It completely ignores cities' existing development and environmental protection plans. That is not productive. Cities already have their plans. They already have ideas for housing. We put forward a 12-point plan. What cities need now is cash transfers so they can put their plans into action. They do not need additional conditions that will just slow them down.
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  • Dec/13/22 4:00:32 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-18 
Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his speech on this important issue, Bill C‑18. I sense that he is concerned about the issue of local and regional media, and I share that concern. I have had the opportunity to talk to people in the media back home who have told me to do something, but we clearly continue to have concerns about Bill C‑18. Nevertheless, should we not help our local media by moving forward with Bill C‑18 and making sure that our small media outlets are really covered by this plan? The other option is to do nothing at all, slow down Bill C‑18 and throw the door wide open to the libertarian model embraced by GAFAM and their ilk. Should we not make sure they are fully covered by the bill?
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  • May/19/22 4:33:32 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I agree with my colleague from Kingston and the Islands that my colleague from Jonquière gives good speeches. I also agree that there is a dangerous tendency towards populism and easy solutions to false problems on the Conservative side. On that we agree. I would like to talk about the tourism and cultural businesses that are so integral to the economy in my riding of Shefford. It is important to be more transparent with this reopening plan since these businesses need more predictability. There are still too many problems. There is still a lack of transparency and efficiency in this reopening plan. Take passports, for example. Right now, in my office, it is terrible. The delays in issuing passports are affecting the travel industry. Again, perhaps this could have been predicted, since we knew that people would go back to travelling now that the world is slowly coming out of lockdown. Given that we do not have a specific plan and that the government has not properly anticipated how things would unfold, what does my colleague think about the importance of this plan and the importance of working on what is not currently working in order to promote tourism?
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  • May/19/22 3:49:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague from Ottawa Centre for his speech. I would like to hear what he has to say about the amendment proposed by the Bloc Québécois. We want to replace “immediately revert” to prepandemic rules with “gradually revert” to them. During the pandemic, I consulted with cultural and tourism organizations in Shefford on various emergency committees. They were calling for predictability. They wanted a clear reopening plan. The government failed to come up with one, making it difficult for many businesses to anticipate what will happen next. Both of these sectors have been hit hard by the pandemic. Now they want to recover from it. What does my colleague think about the importance of proceeding gradually, while presenting a reopening plan and providing predictability to the cultural and tourism sectors? That is what they are asking for.
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  • May/4/22 11:28:47 p.m.
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Madam Chair, as I mentioned, the government must absolutely invest in these communities and work and plan for the longer term. There is so much work to be done in areas such as providing housing, implementing the action plan or getting drinking water to various communities. The government clearly needs to do some long-term planning so that there is some stability here. That is also important. I also think that the government needs to move forward with the money it has promised in its various budgets.
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