
Decentralized Democracy

Corey Tochor

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Saskatoon—University
  • Saskatchewan
  • Voting Attendance: 63%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $131,644.28

  • Government Page
  • Jun/6/24 2:13:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is hard for Canadians to keep track of all the Liberal scandals. Every week, they add new ones. This is a scandal that would define any other government in the history of Canada. I am talking about the mysterious “Randy”, who the government claims is not the same person as the Minister of Employment and the former associate minister of finance. They might be saying, “These aren't the droids you're looking for”, but this is the “Randy” the government is watching and looking for. The minister holds a 50% share in a global health import and wants us to believe that “Randy” was just some guy who nobody knows the last name of and who just happens to have some big ideas about the company that everyone took seriously. Who is Randy? Where is Randy? Who got rich and why? Canadians deserve to know. It is time to give up on the cover-up.
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  • Feb/15/23 2:10:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the failed Liberal government, Canadians are hurting. After eight years of its soft-on-crime policies, such as catch-and-release, we have record crime rates. After eight years, Canadians cannot afford to live. After eight years of the failed carbon tax that punishes anything that moves, we have yet to meet an emissions target. Conservatives will keep the heat on and take the tax off. After eight years of scandals, Canadians cannot trust the government or the Prime Minister. Why would they? Earlier this week, we caught another Liberal MP breaking ethics laws. After eight years of Liberal friends and insiders getting rich, Canadians have had enough. When will the Prime Minister take responsibility for what he broke and get out of the way so we can fix his mess?
137 words
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