
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Andrew Scheer

  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Regina—Qu'Appelle
  • Saskatchewan
  • Voting Attendance: 61%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $195,980.34

  • Government Page
  • Sep/19/24 3:35:32 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I want to respond to the interventions on my question of privilege concerning the government's failure to obey the House order adopted on June 10. From the outset I want to thank the Bloc Québécois House leader and the hon. member for Windsor West for their interventions in support of my question of privilege. As for the Bloc Québécois House leader's comment about my one-week proposed time frame possibly being too short, I would invite him to consider the fact that the documents have already been assembled. Computers and filing cabinets have been searched. If we were asking for documents to be searched for to begin with, like we did when the House adopted a 30-day deadline in its June 10 order, then he would have a fair point. However, in any event, it has been over three months now. Instead we are saying that the government should simply grab the original set of documents, the ones to which the government applied its big sharpie for redactions, and hand the clean versions over. That should not take very long, so one week, I believe, is quite generous. The government House Leader, on the other hand, made a substantial response with which I fundamentally disagree. Certain points require, I believe, a rebuttal to assist you, Madam Speaker, in coming to your decision. As I understand her intervention, the Liberal House leader's argument was fourfold. She believes that the House order exceeded its authority in adopting the order—
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  • Feb/8/24 3:10:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as it is Thursday, I am very excited to ask the Thursday question. I was wondering if the government House leader can update members as to the business of the House for the rest of this week and into the next week. I will take this opportunity to ask how the government plans to manage Bill C-62. Bill C-62, as members will know, is the response to a court deadline to protect vulnerable people with mental health afflictions. The government has had over a year to deal with this, yet here we find ourselves again on the eve of an expiration of a court-imposed deadline with not a lot of House time. If the government could enlighten members as to how it foresees Bill C-62 will move through the House in time for that court-imposed deadline so that vulnerable Canadians are not in any way victimized by the regime around MAID, I am sure members from all sides would like to know that.
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  • Feb/9/23 3:14:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Thursday is the day when the government informs the House as to the business for the coming days. I want to note, in particular, the need to address Bill C-39, which has only been tabled very recently, despite the fact that the government had years knowing about a deadline to protect vulnerable Canadians as it relates to the medical assistance in dying regime. There is a deadline looming of March 17. Conservatives feel very strongly that mental illness should not be the sole factor when considering medical assistance in dying. Therefore, we very much support passing this bill to establish more of a timeline for the government to get this right, and for parliamentarians to come together and get this part of the regime right. I am hoping that when the government House leader rises to inform the House as to the calendar for the next few days, he can also tell us what the expectations are and how we can deal with this bill in a timely manner so it can get through the Senate and get royal assent to protect vulnerable Canadians who are struggling with mental illness.
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