
Decentralized Democracy

Warren Steinley

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Regina—Lewvan
  • Saskatchewan
  • Voting Attendance: 64%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $159,283.61

  • Government Page
  • May/30/24 10:22:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberals always talk about providing coverage for the 1.1 million people, which is important, but they would take away some of the better coverage that 27 million people have. That is fake compassion and the lie of the left.
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  • May/28/24 11:53:00 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, that is a ridiculous question. Why would I apologize for someone else's behaviour? Randy Weekes is a friend of mine. I was a colleague of his. He served honourably for 25 years. He made those comments. I think any intimidation and harassment should be called out, like the House leader of the NDP, who tried to intimidate and harass a staffer because she made a mistake. He continued to berate that staffer and would not let her fix the mistake when we had agreement from all our caucuses. He is one of the biggest bullies in this chamber, so he should reflect on that himself.
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  • May/5/22 2:01:03 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, this weekend families across Canada will be celebrating the glue that holds the pieces together. Mother's Day is the one day of the year when loving, hard-working and dedicated moms finally get the attention, love and gifts they deserve. They are there to get us up for practice on time, and keep us fed and watered, and they know just what to say to help us overcome the latest world-ending issue. Where would any of us be today without the love and encouragement of our moms? They say no love can match a mother's love for her children. I am so fortunate to see these words acted out every day in my own house. My wife, Larissa, is the most amazing mother to our sons, Nixon and Jamieson, and to our daughter, Claire. Sometimes I just sit back in awe of her and how well she does in the organized chaos that is our life. Of all the special joys in life,The big ones and the small,A mother's love and tendernessIs the greatest of them all. I would like to wish all mothers across Canada a happy Mother's Day, and I wish my wife, Larissa, a happy Mother's Day.
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