
Decentralized Democracy

James Bezan

  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman
  • Manitoba
  • Voting Attendance: 65%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $166,369.48

  • Government Page
Mr. Speaker, Conservatives on the defence committee are submitting dissenting reports and opinions for both of the reports from the committee. As we learned at the procurement study, the global threat environment is increasingly precarious. The decision by the government to cut $1 billion a year over the next three years from the defence budget is unconscionable. We are asking that the government reverse that budget cut. We are asking for more leadership coming from the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister's Office. We believe that we have to have more ministers who are actually in control and accountable. That includes having a secretary within the PCO and a prime minister who actually takes this seriously. We are asking the Prime Minister to designate one minister to be ultimately accountable for all defence procurement. We are also calling on the government to grant members of the defence committee classified defence-related information and clearances so that we can do a better job of oversight and accountability. I would also just want to say, on the issue of aid to civil power, which we also talked about, one of the important messages that we did hear when the committee was meeting is that, while part IV of the National Defence Act does outline that CAF can provide aid to civil power, it always should be the force of last resort. It is ultimately the responsibility of provincial, municipal and territorial governments to provide protection, and they need to invest more in mitigation and response assistance. We also know that the Canadian Armed Forces are dealing with a retention and recruitment crisis, about which General Eyre was very blunt in his assessment. He said, “The demand signal for those primary tasks we're responsible for is only increasing. However, our readiness to do that is decreasing, due in part to the incessant demand for these types of domestic operations.” Therefore, we are asking again that the budget cut be reversed and that we restore the $2.7 billion that was announced in September 2023. We also say that we want to see the private member's bill, Bill C-386, an act respecting the establishment and award of a special service medal for domestic and emergency relief operations, from the member for Cariboo—Prince George, be accepted by the government and concurred in, and that we can recognize those Canadians who step up to participate in domestic operations, such as disaster assistance, pandemic relief and other avenues, and recognize their contributions. Also, we are saying that there should be an increase in youth involvement in aiding and assisting in civilian volunteer disaster relief.
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  • Jun/6/24 1:47:31 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, as a former Crown prosecutor, my colleague understands the Criminal Code better than anyone. One of the reasons we want to ensure we get to the bottom of this is to ensure there was an accountability based upon the misappropriation of these funds, $123 million, that failed to observe our conflict-of-interest rules. We have an Ethics Commissioner, and public servants and those who are appointed to serve on boards like the SDTC have a responsibility, a fiduciary duty, to ensure the proper use of taxpayer money. Therefore, I ask my colleague, as a former Crown prosecutor, to talk about the violations under the Criminal Code that could be applicable through this RCMP investigation, whether it be fraud or breach of trust.
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  • Feb/27/24 5:14:04 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I want to thank the member for Edmonton West for his amazing work. He is one of the few MPs in this House who takes his fiduciary responsibilities to a whole new level. He actually goes through all the public accounts and makes sure that we are spending money wisely. Here we have, right now, the arrive scam situation with over $19 million going into the hands of two individuals working out of their cottage in the Ottawa suburbs. We have a Westminster system here where there is supposed to be ministerial accountability, so I would ask the member for Edmonton West this: Who is responsible for it? Is it the President of the Treasury Board; the Minister of Public Services and Procurement; the Minister of Public Safety, who contracted the CBSA to go out there and contract the arrive scam and waste $60 million on absolutely nothing; or, is it the Prime Minister himself?
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  • Jun/13/23 8:10:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague from Edmonton West for his well-argued presentation in the House just now. We have also experienced the same problem at the national defence committee, where we have had meetings cancelled because of a lack of resources. I want to ask the member for Edmonton West if he would really get down to it, especially as he talked about how this virtual Parliament is impacting the health of our interpreters and how the government is not here with a full cabinet to defend its record. Is that happening because the government wants to avoid accountability; has a lack of respect for members of Parliament; lacks compassion for those who work in the House of Commons, such as the interpreters; or is it all of the above?
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  • May/30/22 4:32:13 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, we do have a practice in the House of Commons of making sure that there is ministerial accountability. It is in our rules and procedures. The minister was sworn in under oath, and recommendation 3 of the report said that given the failure of the minister to reveal her April 17, 2020, meeting with Mr. Craig Kielburger, a review of ministerial accountability in committees must be undertaken. We know that committees were misled. I would say that the member for Saanich—Gulf Islands can use her legal background to determine what term she wants to use, but I will say that it is in the report and that report has been tabled in the House. That is why I believe the member for Waterloo, who is no longer a minister in the Liberal cabinet, needs to appear and account for her testimony during the 43rd Parliament.
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  • Apr/28/22 10:34:32 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as we see with this unholy alliance between the NDP and the Liberals, NDP members are standing here helping to support the Liberals and later today are going to push through a motion here that undermines this democratic institution. This motion is about a three-hour debate. I am talking about how the public confidence in our institutions, including the Parliament of Canada, is being undermined by this government, and the NDP is now enabling and allowing this government to cover up this failure of accountability and this unethical behaviour. Now there is this dictatorial approach on how they are going to ram through legislation in this very chamber.
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  • Apr/28/22 10:33:33 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am getting heckled by the member for Winnipeg North. Again, as the chief spokesperson for lack of accountability, for cover-ups and for the unethical behaviour of this government, we can always point to the member for Winnipeg North to stand up and be there shouting the loudest.
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  • Apr/28/22 10:32:49 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am not surprised that the member for Winnipeg North wants to avoid accountability. I am not surprised that the member for Winnipeg North wants to be the chief cheerleader to help cover up the Prime Minister's, and this government's, unethical behaviour and the possibility that some of it may even be criminal these days, when we look at the investigation by the RCMP into fraud against the government by the Prime Minister himself—
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  • Feb/14/22 4:24:49 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-10 
Mr. Speaker, I know one of the concerns we have as Conservatives with this bill is relative to the issues around accountability and whether the checks and balances are going to be there to ensure we do not have another situation where procurement is taking place and padding the pockets of former Liberal MPs, such as Frank Baylis, and other friends of the Liberal Party of Canada.
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