
Decentralized Democracy

Lindsay Mathyssen

  • Member of Parliament
  • NDP
  • London—Fanshawe
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 63%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $211,722.86

  • Government Page
  • Mar/28/23 3:10:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, for decades senior officials refused to acknowledge the sexual misconduct crisis in the military. While survivors finally received an apology, that culture of secrecy remains. Just this month, the media reported the existence of documents on sexual misconduct that the Department of National Defence previously denied. The government says it is working to address this crisis, but it is not making the necessary changes for transparency. Will the minister finally take responsibility and establish that independent civilian oversight of our military to protect the women and men who serve?
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  • Mar/31/22 2:48:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians were horrified to see General Vance walk away without consequence after allegations of sexual misconduct and obstruction. Women in the armed forces continue to wait for a real culture change in the face of sexual misconduct and assault, and yet, even though the Liberals have promised action for seven years, the minister has said they will wait again for yet another report. How many reports do they need? Instead of delaying action when the solutions are known, will the government implement the Deschamps report so women get action now?
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  • Dec/13/21 2:47:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today, the Liberals offered an apology to address the harmful culture in the Canadian Armed Forces, but an apology does not erase their failure to act over the last six years. The Liberals have ignored the recommendations of numerous reports. They have failed to take action and stop the harms committed against women over and over again. The Liberals have to prove they are going to do better. When will the government finally move past nice words and commit to implementing all the recommendations of the Deschamps report so women can serve equally?
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  • Nov/30/21 3:08:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today, media reported that a law guaranteeing the rights of sexual assault survivors in the military has not been fully implemented by the current Liberal government. For six years, the government has ignored the Deschamps report, which outlined concrete actions to fix the toxic culture in the armed forces. In that time, thousands of service people reported sexual misconduct. How many more people will have to be abused before the government acts? Will the Prime Minister commit to implementing all the Deschamps report recommendations by the end of next year?
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