
Decentralized Democracy

Lindsay Mathyssen

  • Member of Parliament
  • NDP
  • London—Fanshawe
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 63%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $211,722.86

  • Government Page
  • May/6/24 4:02:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would be interested to hear from the minister about the timing of this blockade by the Conservatives. We know that every year, unfortunately, quite a lot of very young people are brought up onto the Hill as part of a very anti-choice movement. They are susceptible to the forces at will that would bring them up for various reasons. That is happening this week on the Hill. Considering the Conservatives' focus on their own fundraising abilities, would the minister say that this has anything to do with their timing in the blockage of the bill?
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  • Feb/20/22 2:10:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, given the parliamentary secretary's role in agriculture and agri-food, he would know the extraordinary importance of ensuring that our supply chain is maintained across that border. My colleague from Windsor West spoke this morning about the incredible impact that this blockade was having on his riding, which of course has a border crossing within it. He called for the government to put forward a safe border task force. Is that something the hon. parliamentary secretary can support?
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  • Feb/17/22 10:43:52 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in his speech, the hon. member spoke of the people who are being impacted by the blockades. He spoke about the harassment and the assaults. I know I have spoken to a lot of workers in this downtown about that as well. It is truly heartbreaking. I think of the workers and businesses who have been impacted negatively. I think about the people at the Rideau Centre. I think about people within my own region in southwestern Ontario and those businesses who have been impacted. What is the government's plan to help those workers and those business owners after this debate is done, after we have seen the protesters go home? We have been asking for the government to come up with a plan. What is the plan for those people?
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