
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 328

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 10, 2024 11:00AM
  • Jun/10/24 12:41:11 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the minister for his speech. I would also like to thank the member for Trois-Rivières and the Bloc Québécois for their proposal today that focused on this theme. Unfortunately, foreign powers have already won. Foreign powers made sure that there are people here in the House who got elected with their support and assistance. I am not the one saying it. It is the judge. We know that this is a very sensitive issue for everyone, because nobody knows who is involved. That said, does the minister understand and accept the fact that, in order to lift the cloud of suspicion that is hanging over the 337 people sitting in the House, these individuals who were elected with the help and support of foreign powers hostile to our country must be clearly identified?
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  • Jun/10/24 12:49:35 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I think my speech answers my colleague's question. We believe that Justice Hogue's mandate is quite broad and includes a good number of the aspects required to get to the bottom of things. That is our position.
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  • Jun/10/24 1:23:07 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, in spite of the proposed amendment, we will not be in favour for the reasons I outlined in my speech.
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  • Jun/10/24 1:47:08 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, my colleague gave a very good speech on what is happening here and how we have to address this, but he has one dichotomy in that speech, which is the role of His Majesty's loyal opposition in that, declaring that the leader of the Conservative Party should get that briefing. However, later in his speech, he talked about the parliamentary role that we have to play as His Majesty's loyal opposition in holding the government to account. His proposition that the leader of my party gets that briefing puts my leader on the side of not being able to voice exactly what has happened there, like the members of NSICOP to which he also referred. Could the member please note that dichotomy, that we have to be here in Parliament serving our parliamentary role, and we cannot be silenced by being part of an agreement to not disclose what happens in that realm?
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  • Jun/10/24 4:58:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in my speech, I never said the government had taken no steps. In my speech, I said that there was negligence and complacency. In short, the alarm has been sounding for months. The government should realize that what is in place is not working. The 70 meetings that the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs held made it clear what steps needed to be taken. It still took the government a long time to come up with to the bill we are discussing, which does not go far enough, to be honest. My colleague is right. The government did take steps. However, what it did is clearly insufficient, and it is shameful for us internationally.
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  • Jun/10/24 5:01:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Bloc for putting the motion forward today. It is an important one. It needs to be supported. In the member's speech, she highlighted the point that there have been many failures of the government to act and to take foreign interference seriously. In fact, the NSICOP report raises a litany of examples of the government's failure to deliver. It has actually received information on the members of Parliament or elected officials who are alleged to have worked wittingly, knowingly and intentionally with foreign state actors. The Prime Minister knew that, but that information never came before the House. Members never knew about it. To that end, is it not time now for the government to provide that information, not only to members of Parliament but to all Canadians?
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  • Jun/10/24 5:12:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to pick up on what the member was saying toward the tail end of her speech. One of the best ways we could counter foreign interference would be by building support from all sides of the chamber in not only recognizing the serious nature of foreign interference, but also acting as one strong voice, which would send a very powerful message. Often foreign interference is an attempt to promote and encourage public distrust. If people were to work together, partisanship aside, to combat foreign interference as a top priority, that is one way we can build public confidence in the system. I wonder if the member would provide her thoughts on that.
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  • Jun/10/24 6:28:11 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his speech and for his effort to speak in the language of Molière. I would like him to explain something to me. If foreign interference and trust in democratic institutions are so important to his government, how come it took months for his government to take action? How come it is the Bloc Québécois that is moving a motion today to move things forward, so that we can get to the bottom of this and eventually remove the people who are here working for someone other than their constituents?
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  • Jun/10/24 7:23:52 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, it is always a pleasure to rise on behalf of the people from Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo. Before I begin, I want to recognize someone who recently passed away in the riding, and that is a gentleman by the name of Anton Fras. My condolences go to his family, particularly his daughter, whom I know very well. May perpetual light shine upon him. My colleague just said that this was in the throne speech. I may have misheard him when he said “2020”. I think that is what he said, but really, he should have said “2015” because this was a 2015 electoral promise. However, here we are in 2024, and the Liberals are saying they are delivering on their promises. How can my colleague possibly say that when there was a prorogation and, simply put, a lack of putting this forward and a lack of a desire to get this done?
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