
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 337

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 17, 2024 10:00AM
  • Sep/17/24 12:15:24 p.m.
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Before I go to questions and comments, there was a lot of discussion being had in one corner or in the middle of the chamber by a variety of individuals. I know someone is pointing, but that individual was also part of the discussion. If members are not interested in hearing what is being said, I would just ask them to please be respectful. If they want to have conversations or are not interested in the debate, then they should step out, have those conversations there and then come in. There were other members who were making signs to indicate it was noisy in the House. I did not interrupt because nobody got up at that time. However, I want to remind members again to please step out if they want to have conversations. The hon. member for Guelph.
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  • Sep/17/24 12:20:51 p.m.
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I would just remind the member to be careful with the acronyms he uses. There are certain acronyms that are just not acceptable to say, no matter what they sound like. We know there are unions that do not like acronyms used for them either. The hon. member for Battle River—Crowfoot.
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  • Sep/17/24 12:29:55 p.m.
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I would remind members to be very careful with the words they use. If it causes disorder in the House, they should not be using those words. I did not hear the whole sentence the hon. member said, aside from what he has just told me. We will review Hansard and come back to the House as necessary.
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  • Sep/17/24 12:39:53 p.m.
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I want to remind the hon. member who is yelling out her comments that if she wishes to participate in the debate, she should wait until questions and comments. The hon. member for Battle River—Crowfoot.
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  • Sep/17/24 12:44:38 p.m.
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Before we go to the next speaker, I am ready to rule on the point of order that the hon. member for Windsor West brought forward. After reviewing Hansard, I want to ask the hon. member for Battle River—Crowfoot to rise in the House to withdraw his comments and to apologize not only to the member for Windsor West but also to the leader of the NDP.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:11:43 p.m.
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It is my duty to interrupt the proceedings and put forthwith the question necessary to dispose of the motion now before the House. The question is on the motion. If a member participating in person wishes that the motion be carried or carried on division, or if a member of a recognized party participating in person wishes to request a recorded division, I would invite them to rise and indicate it to the Chair.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:12:31 p.m.
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Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the division stands deferred until later this day at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:27:32 p.m.
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We have time for a brief question. The hon. member for Calgary Shepard.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:35:39 p.m.
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Yes. I hear other members trying to speak over the hon. member who is speaking. I would ask them to hold off. As the hon. member knows, there is some latitude when individuals are making speeches. The matter that is before the House does talk about immigration, but it is specific to a certain degree. I am sure the hon. member will bring it back to that. The hon. member for Calgary Heritage.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:43:16 p.m.
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I understand that these are passionate discussions, but I want to remind members that there are rules within the House, and when someone else has the floor we should not be interrupting them. Questions and comments, the hon. parliamentary secretary to the government House leader.
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  • Sep/17/24 1:55:02 p.m.
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I do have to allow for other questions. The hon. member for Durham.
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