
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 338

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 18, 2024 02:00PM
  • Sep/18/24 2:27:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we just found out that the Bloc Québécois is going to vote to keep the most costly and centralizing Prime Minister in power. This government has doubled the cost of housing and the national debt. It taxed food, punished workers and broke our immigration system, pushing Quebec to the breaking point. How can the Bloc Québécois abandon Quebeckers to support the most costly and centralizing Prime Minister in our country's history?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:28:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is in Canadians' best interests to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime, so that Quebeckers can get bigger paycheques and pensions to buy food and have access to affordable housing in safe communities. That is what we need after nine years of the “Liberal Bloc”, which doubled the cost of housing, doubled the debt and broke our immigration system. Why is the Bloc Québécois voting against Quebec and in favour of this centralizing Liberal Prime Minister?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:29:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the NDP leader sold out Canadians to sign on to a costly coalition that doubled the debt, doubled the housing costs and sent two million people to food banks and 1,800 to tent encampments. He voted 24 times for the carbon tax. Since he did his dramatic video, he has refused to answer 40 times whether he would vote non-confidence. Now that he knows that the Bloc is going to keep the Liberals in power, he will stand up and claim that he is voting against. Why will the NDP not stand up when it counts so that we can end this costly coalition and elect a common-sense government?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:30:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years of this costly NDP carbon tax coalition, what has happened? What is up? Taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up. What Canadians need is hope. They can choose a common-sense government that axes taxes, builds homes, fixes the budget and stops the crime, so they can earn powerful paycheques and pensions that buy affordable food, gas and homes in safe neighbourhoods protected by a strong military. Why can we not bring it home now?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:32:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the “Justinflation” tag line works now better than ever. He can try to call himself Rocky Balboa and play fight songs to aggrandize himself as the star, but the people lined up at food banks, two million of them every month, know better. The people who are living in the 1,800 Ontario tent encampments know better. In the 35 homeless encampments in Halifax, the people there know better. They know that we need to fire this costly carbon tax coalition so we can elect a common-sense government that will bring it home for them.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:40:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on April 30, 2014, The New York Times put out “Life in Canada, Home of the World's Most Affluent Middle Class”. Today, almost a decade after the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister has been in what he calls the “big chair”, Canada's GDP per capita is actually down, while the American one is up 19%. His carbon taxes are strangling growth. How could the solution possibly be to quadruple the tax to 61¢ a litre and send more jobs and businesses south?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:41:14 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister does not have a plan for either, as evidenced by the fact that he came completely unglued on a radio station the other day. He started spitting out personal insults and crying “liar, liar, liar” when he learned I had pointed to the government's report. It showed that the carbon tax will blow a $25-billion to $30-billion hole in our GDP. This was from a report the government tabled in the House of Commons. If, in fact, the government is lying about the true cost of the carbon tax to our economy, then what is the true cost?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:42:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, someone cannot sit in the big chair if they cannot read their own government documents. Environment and Climate Change Canada's carbon pollution pricing data, tabled in the House by the government, said that it will cost between $25 billion and $30 billion in lost GDP when the tax is implemented. A further document tabled by the environment minister on carbon tax 2 says there will be another $9-billion hole, for a total of between $34 billion and $40 billion. Now he screams that this is all lies. Again, if the government documents are lying, what is the true cost of the carbon tax to our economy?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:44:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister's carbon tax has not stopped a single flood or single fire in this country. He has not stopped any natural disasters. What he has done is driven Canadians into poverty. Quadrupling the tax to 61¢ a litre will cause a nuclear winter for our economy, something that his carbon tax coalition partners in the NDP have voted to bring about. If he really is so confident in a 61¢-a-litre tax, why does he not call a carbon tax election and let Canadians decide?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:45:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is not fighting climate change. He is driving production out of Canada to more polluting foreign jurisdictions rather than using our common-sense plan to green-light green projects that produce more energy around the world and displace emissions. That is a common-sense approach. The Prime Minister will still not answer the question on the full cost of his two carbon taxes. I have cited government documents tabled in the House that say that they will total between $34 billion and $40 billion per year in lost GDP and jobs. If his government documents are wrong, then what is the true loss of GDP as a result of his 61¢-a-litre carbon tax?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:47:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the deputy governor of the Bank of Canada said of Canada's investment problems, “In emergency, break glass”. Canadian workers get 55¢ of investment for every dollar American workers get and only 65¢ for every dollar that an OECD worker gets. The gap between the Canadian and U.S. economy is now at a 100-year high after nine years of the NDP-Liberals. I will ask this one last time. The Prime Minister's own documents show that his 61¢-a-litre carbon tax will blow a $40-billion hole in our economy. If that number is not right, what is the real number?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:51:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, from 2000 to 2014, Canadians attracted $30 billion to $100 billion more in American investment than the reverse. In the last nine years of the NDP-Liberal government, 450 billion more Canadian dollars were invested in the U.S. than were returned. That is Canadian money building U.S. pipelines and U.S. mines, and U.S. businesses paying American workers with Canadian money. That is the consequence of a high carbon tax and a high energy price, which drive jobs away. When will the Prime Minister learn that his radical plan to hike the tax to 61¢ a litre will destroy our economy further?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:52:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our per capita GDP is smaller than it was 10 years ago. It is perhaps the first time since the Great Depression that that has happened. The Prime Minister has had the worst economic growth since the Depression. The OECD says that Canada will have the worst economic growth this year and for the next three decades. Our economy has dropped more per capita since before COVID than any other G7 country. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The Prime Minister wants to quadruple the carbon tax to 61¢ a litre, which would be an economic catastrophe for this country.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:54:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, there the Prime Minister goes again, telling Canadians they have never had it so good. It has never been so good for those two million people lined up at food banks and for the one million people every month who go to food banks in Ontario. There are record-smashing increases in homelessness. By his own admission, after he promised a food program that has not delivered a single meal despite millions spent on bureaucracy, one in four kids lines up at food banks. Now here is the worst: He proposes to quadruple the carbon taxes on heat, housing, fuel and food. How much will that take from our GDP?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:55:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians who cannot eat or heat and house themselves are living in austerity now, and as to the Prime Minister's false PMO talking point about eight out of 10 Canadians being better off, it conveniently excludes the $25 billion per year in economic costs that his own government admits the carbon tax imposes on Canadians. That is why six in 10 Canadian families and 100% of the middle class are worse off with his carbon tax. His documents show that Canadians are worse off. If he does not have confidence in his own government documents, how can this House have confidence in his government?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:02:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister, housing costs have doubled. He said he was going to create a $4-billion fund to give to cities to speed up home building. He gave Toronto city hall a half a billion. What did it do? It hiked building taxes by 42%. He gave Ottawa city hall $200 million so that it could hike taxes by 11%. He gave Mississauga city hall $113 million so it could hike taxes by 22%. Why does the Prime Minister keep funding bloated local government gatekeepers that block housing rather than building the homes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:03:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, they are not being built. In fact, housing construction is down, way down. The Prime Minister should take lessons from everyone because, after nine years in power, he has the worst housing inflation in Canadian history and by far the worst housing inflation in the G7, and now he is bloating up the same bureaucracies that have given us the slowest building permits in the G7. Why will the Prime Minister not follow my common-sense plan to link federal dollars to housing completions to incentivize local governments to speed up permits, free up land and actually cut building taxes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:05:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when I was housing minister, the average home price was $450,000. The rent was $950 for a one-bedroom unit and $1,100 for a two-bedroom unit. It has now doubled to over $2,000. As well, we built almost 200,000 homes at rock-bottom, low prices. Now, fast-forward a decade, and 28% of Canadians told a RE/MAX survey that they are considering leaving the country because of housing inflation doubling under the Prime Minister. Why does he not get his gatekeepers out of the way and follow my common-sense plan to build the homes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:06:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week, a woman was stabbed near the La Maison Benoît Labre hard drug injection site, next to an elementary school. This tragedy could have been avoided if the Prime Minister had agreed to my request about three months ago to close the hard drug injection site and invest in treatment for drug addiction. Will the Prime Minister finally close this hard drug injection site next to a school?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:12:14 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, children “are not able to buy alcohol, they are not able to buy marijuana [or] cigarettes, but they can have access to crack pipes and kits to be able to do safe injection? It’s just wrong.” These are the words of the stepfather of Brianna MacDonald, the 13-year-old girl who lost her life to a drug overdose in Abbotsford after she was denied treatment but offered drug paraphernalia by the authorities. When will the Prime Minister end this radical agenda, close the drug dens, defund unsafe supply and treat addiction to bring our loved ones home drug-free?
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