
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 338

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 18, 2024 02:00PM
  • Sep/18/24 2:57:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, under the Liberals, housing prices in Winnipeg are out of control. The average rent for a one-bedroom suite in Winnipeg has increased over 22% since last year, the largest jump in the country. Corporate landlords are buying up affordable housing and jacking up rents because they know they have the support of both the Liberals and the Conservatives. I can tell them one thing: They are not the answer to our housing crisis. My question for the Prime Minister is this: Why is he allowing corporate landlords to price people out of their homes?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:59:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has put forward one of the most ambitious investments in housing this country has ever seen. We are happy to work hand in hand with the NDP to make sure that public lands get used for affordable housing. We are doing everything we can to push back against provinces that are attacking public affordability of homes. We would very much like to continue working with the NDP on this matter. However, the NDP is choosing to play politics with the Conservatives and put politics first. We are going to continue to work to make sure that the member's residents in Edmonton Griesbach and, indeed, right across the country get better affordability and better homes because that is what this federal government is focused on, not politics.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:02:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister, housing costs have doubled. He said he was going to create a $4-billion fund to give to cities to speed up home building. He gave Toronto city hall a half a billion. What did it do? It hiked building taxes by 42%. He gave Ottawa city hall $200 million so that it could hike taxes by 11%. He gave Mississauga city hall $113 million so it could hike taxes by 22%. Why does the Prime Minister keep funding bloated local government gatekeepers that block housing rather than building the homes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:03:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us not take any lessons from that failed Harper housing minister, who did not get anything built while he was on the job. We are going to continue to do what he did not, which is working with cities, working with provinces and territories, and working with non-profits to get homes built.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:03:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, they are not being built. In fact, housing construction is down, way down. The Prime Minister should take lessons from everyone because, after nine years in power, he has the worst housing inflation in Canadian history and by far the worst housing inflation in the G7, and now he is bloating up the same bureaucracies that have given us the slowest building permits in the G7. Why will the Prime Minister not follow my common-sense plan to link federal dollars to housing completions to incentivize local governments to speed up permits, free up land and actually cut building taxes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:04:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition's so-called housing plan was universally panned by experts, which is why it failed in the House of Commons. The reality is that we have been working with premiers, working with municipalities and working with non-profits to turn the ship around, which he neglected when he was the so-called housing minister. The reality is that we are delivering for Canadians. We have a lot more work to do, and the Leader of the Opposition's slogans and divisive attacks are not going to get any homes built for anyone.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:05:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when I was housing minister, the average home price was $450,000. The rent was $950 for a one-bedroom unit and $1,100 for a two-bedroom unit. It has now doubled to over $2,000. As well, we built almost 200,000 homes at rock-bottom, low prices. Now, fast-forward a decade, and 28% of Canadians told a RE/MAX survey that they are considering leaving the country because of housing inflation doubling under the Prime Minister. Why does he not get his gatekeepers out of the way and follow my common-sense plan to build the homes?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:16:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians are dealing with a housing crisis, but our government is proposing real solutions. Last November, we reached a $1.8‑billion housing agreement with the Government of Quebec. Can the Prime Minister tell us how that agreement is delivering results in my riding, Alfred‑Pellan, and throughout Quebec?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:17:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Alfred‑Pellan for championing this important file. Last November, we signed an historic $1.8‑billion agreement with the Government of Quebec to speed up the construction of 8,000 housing units. We know that the housing issue can only be resolved if all levels of government work together. The Conservative leader's housing plan is laughable and has been ridiculed by every expert in the country. He even wants to tear up this agreement with Quebec. He is not serious about housing, and he attacks elected officials in Quebec. If all of his policies are like that, then he has a lot of work to do.
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