
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 338

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 18, 2024 02:00PM
  • Sep/18/24 3:24:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it has been over a decade since my community was promised two-way, all-day GO train service from Kitchener to Toronto, yet we still do not even have a timeline for completion. Folks in my community are stuck on overcrowded buses that are getting worse and worse each year. The federal government has already committed 40% of the project costs. That is over three-quarters of a billion dollars. Will the Prime Minister join me and local community leaders in calling for accountability from Premier Ford and pushing for a timeline for project completion?
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  • Sep/18/24 3:24:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, indeed, this government has put record amounts of infrastructure investment on the table to support Canadians in building transit, in building the infrastructure they need to get to and from work, and to be able to afford better homes closer to work. These are the things we are continuing to invest in. We call on all premiers to step up in their investments, to work with us on investing, to not listen to their Conservative colleague in Ottawa who wants to cut and underinvest in infrastructure, and instead, to work with us to invest in a stronger future for all Canadians.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:25:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am rising on a point of order. The Liberal government chose to fund a Russian propaganda film, and if you seek it, you may find unanimous consent to table an article that is— Some hon. members: No.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:25:54 p.m.
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I do not hear unanimous consent for the request.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:25:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order with some trepidation based on comments made in question period. I have been diving through the Standing Orders to see what order I find has been offended. You might find it in Standing Order 11(2) under “order and decorum”. Of course, Standing Order 16 protects members of Parliament, the royal family and other parts of the Government of Canada from disrespectful comments and, well, the commentary is there. However, I find it worrying that we may be setting a pattern of being able to abuse with offensive nicknames people who are respected Canadians, Canadian citizens who have not been elected. I therefore suggest to you, Mr. Speaker, and you can rule on whether it is appropriate, that to say a slur like “carbon tax Carney” might offend Standing Order 11(2). Some hon. members: Oh, oh! Ms. Elizabeth May: I am sorry. I cannot be heard.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:27:06 p.m.
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I thank the hon. member for her intervention. Some hon. members: Oh, oh! The Speaker: Order. I appreciate the hon. member's raising this point of order. The Chair will take a look at the points that she raised and the particular subsections, and will come back if it is necessary to do so.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:27:20 p.m.
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Colleagues, following discussions among representatives of all parties in the House, I understand there is an agreement to observe a moment of silence in memory of Cathy Merrick, grand chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs. I invite hon. members to rise. [A moment of silence observed]
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It being 3:29 p.m., the House will now proceed to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion at second reading stage of Bill C-379 under Private Members' Business. Call in the members.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:42:52 p.m.
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I declare the motion defeated. I would like to have the members' attention. As I mentioned in my statement on Monday, September 16, the volume of earpieces will now be reset. Members using their earpiece at this time will have to readjust the volume. I thank them for paying particular attention to the sound level.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:44:04 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-76 
moved for leave to introduce Bill C‑76, An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:45:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the 68th report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, regarding the membership of committees of the House.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:46:10 p.m.
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If the House gives its consent, I move that the 68th report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs be concurred in.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:46:25 p.m.
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All those opposed to the hon member's moving the motion will please say nay. It is agreed. The House has heard the terms of the motion. All those opposed to the motion will please say nay.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:46:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today I would like to present a petition in respect to the Lets'emot Regional Recreation and Aquatic Centre. Lets'emot means one heart, one mind in the Halq’eme’ylem language. Local first nations, the District of Kent and the village of Harrison Hot Springs are looking for more support from the federal government. Indigenous Services Canada has told local first nations that when it wants to partner with the community, it is not possible under our Treasury Board guidelines. Why can the Treasury Board not enact policies that respect first nations, that are working hand in hand with their partners and communities to build the infrastructure we need in Canada? The petitioners want to see some action.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:47:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am proud to present a petition today that is signed by Canadians who are very concerned about a film that has come out, which was funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada Media Fund and by TVO, called Russians at War. The film paints a nice picture of the Russians fighting in Ukraine without laying out all of the war crimes that they are committing and the illegal invasion that they have started. The petitioners are calling upon the Government of Canada to get back all of the taxpayers' money, the $345,000, that went to the film's producer, Ms. Trofimova, who was employed by Russia Today in the past, which is sanctioned by the Government of Canada. She used those monies to bring out this misinformation campaign. The petitioners are calling on the government to audit all the programs that they have currently, like the Canada Media Fund, to see how taxpayer dollars were used to further the Russians' interest right here in Canada. They are requesting that both CSIS and the RCMP do an investigation on whether or not there was any international or Canadian law, or Ukrainian law for that matter, that was violated. Finally, they want the RCMP to seize all material so that it can be used to go forward with the investigation on any war crimes that she may have captured on film but did not actually put into the documentary. The documentary is being aired now at the Toronto International Film Festival and other places in Canada.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:49:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present a petition that has been signed by 1,844 Canadians regarding crisis pregnancy centres. Over 150 anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centres in Canada work to dissuade those who are pregnant from having abortions via medical misinformation and emotional manipulation. This petition calls on the government to take action on these crisis pregnancy centres and to review their charitable status.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:49:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this petition that I am presenting has attracted the signatures of over 1,236 Canadians who are very concerned about an issue relating to the culture of South India, Sri Lanka and the Tamil diaspora here in Canada. They are finding that, due to the monopolistic behaviour of movie chains, South Indian movies are not available and that some movie theatres have been subjected to recurring acts of vandalism. Specifically, Cineplex and Landmark do not play South Indian movies in their cinemas, and in the absence of these two top chains, South Indian movie lovers are made to watch these movies in substandard theatres, paying higher ticket prices. The petitioners are asking that the Government of Canada direct law enforcement to get to the bottom of the vandalism that is occurring, which seems only to affect Cineplex and Landmark; direct the Competition Bureau to investigate this cartel-like behaviour; direct Cineplex and Landmark to start playing South Indian movies; and provide recourse with respect to law enforcement so that we fully embrace the whole tapestry of the wealth that is brought to Canada through multicultural, South Indian and Tamil diaspora here in Canada.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:51:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I have two petitions to table today. The first petition is from constituents of mine; they signed it during the Auburn Bay Stampede breakfast. It is about the Auburn Bay Calgary Co-op. It is specifically about the single-use plastics ban introduced by the government in December 2023. In Calgary, we have a compostable green bag that is only used by the Calgary Co-op. These are the facts that constituents want to draw to the attention of the Government of Canada. First, there is no plastic in the bags. They are fully compostable in the City of Calgary's composting system. They have received information from the federal government saying they are forbidden from using the bags. Now they are being handed out only if someone purchases them at tills, as opposed to being given out when purchasing groceries at the store. This is done at a huge cost. The City of Calgary supports the Calgary Co-op's use of compostable bags, stating that they fully break down in their composting facilities. Further, the federal ban, as it stands now, allows for Calgary Co-op to sell its compostable bags on store shelves but prevents them from selling these same bags a few feet away at the checkout. This makes little sense and, they say, does very little to limit their actual use. They are asking for the Government of Canada to recognize that compostable bags do not constitute single-use plastic and, therefore, are worthy of an exemption to the upcoming ban.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:52:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my next petition is from constituents of mine. While I was door knocking, this was being filled out, and they asked for the following: They would like the House of Commons to call for a vote of non-confidence and for a federal election 45 days after that successful vote.
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  • Sep/18/24 3:53:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would ask that all questions be allowed to stand at this time. The Speaker: Is that agreed? Some hon. members: Agreed.
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