
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 338

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 18, 2024 02:00PM
  • Sep/18/24 2:40:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know the Leader of the Opposition does not believe in climate change and does not believe in putting more money in the pockets of Canadians with a Canada carbon rebate. How many wildfires, hurricanes and droughts are going to go after Canadians' lives and livelihoods before he understands we cannot have a plan for the economy unless we have a plan for the environment?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:47:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the deputy governor of the Bank of Canada said of Canada's investment problems, “In emergency, break glass”. Canadian workers get 55¢ of investment for every dollar American workers get and only 65¢ for every dollar that an OECD worker gets. The gap between the Canadian and U.S. economy is now at a 100-year high after nine years of the NDP-Liberals. I will ask this one last time. The Prime Minister's own documents show that his 61¢-a-litre carbon tax will blow a $40-billion hole in our economy. If that number is not right, what is the real number?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:47:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, once again we see that the Leader of the Opposition is frustrated that international economists, climate experts and academics all back our plan to both fight climate change and grow a strong economy, while he is stuck with late-night, far-right conspiracy YouTube videos. The reality is, we are delivering concretely to build a stronger future for Canadians, to fight climate change and to grow the economy, while he is hiding his head in the sand and even refusing to admit that climate change is real.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:51:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, from 2000 to 2014, Canadians attracted $30 billion to $100 billion more in American investment than the reverse. In the last nine years of the NDP-Liberal government, 450 billion more Canadian dollars were invested in the U.S. than were returned. That is Canadian money building U.S. pipelines and U.S. mines, and U.S. businesses paying American workers with Canadian money. That is the consequence of a high carbon tax and a high energy price, which drive jobs away. When will the Prime Minister learn that his radical plan to hike the tax to 61¢ a litre will destroy our economy further?
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  • Sep/18/24 2:51:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the problem with that argument is that the Leader of the Opposition does not understand that the International Monetary Fund and others have projected Canada to have stronger growth than the United States next year, despite the fact that we have a price on pollution, or perhaps because of the fact that we have a price on pollution. It is drawing in investment from around the world in the growing sectors of the economy to ensure good jobs in mining, in environmental research and in various industries, because we know the future is greener.
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  • Sep/18/24 2:52:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our per capita GDP is smaller than it was 10 years ago. It is perhaps the first time since the Great Depression that that has happened. The Prime Minister has had the worst economic growth since the Depression. The OECD says that Canada will have the worst economic growth this year and for the next three decades. Our economy has dropped more per capita since before COVID than any other G7 country. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The Prime Minister wants to quadruple the carbon tax to 61¢ a litre, which would be an economic catastrophe for this country.
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