
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
June 7, 2023 09:00AM
  • Jun/7/23 9:50:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

I’d like to thank the members from Perth–Wellington and Richmond Hill for their presentation.

Learning disruptions and violence are becoming normalized across Ontario schools because the Ford government blatantly refuses to address this issue. School violence was not mentioned in their 2023 budget. School violence was not addressed in Bill 98. Students have been pleading for support. Educators have brought these concerns forward. In fact, one in two educators—more than 50% of educators—have reported violence that they have witnessed in the classroom.

When will this government address the violence that is holding children back and holding their education hostage?

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  • Jun/7/23 9:50:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

I’m pleased to be here today to rise and speak about Bill 98, the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, 2023. I also want to thank the member for Ottawa West–Nepean for her exceptional and hard work on this bill.

It was very enlightening listening to the member speak today and demonstrate her significant expertise on this file. Her knowledge is also based on the fact that she has children in the school board system, so she can share her expertise and her personal experience with our school board system.

This bill was introduced at the same time as the Grants for Student Needs funding envelope was released for the year, and that’s deliberate. It is pretty typical for the government to present a bill with some ugly things and some good things in it at the same time as they’re presenting an announcement which has far bigger implications on the quality of the schooling that the children in Ontario receive. That’s what happened with Bill 97, a bill that I’ve been working on for some time, and it also happened with Bill 98.

The reason I want to talk about not just Bill 98 but also the larger issues with our school system is, when we’re thinking about how we want to improve the quality of education our kids receive, we need to talk about funding and we need to talk about what is actually happening in the classroom. There’s a big difference between what this government says—its rhetoric—and what is actually happening on the ground in schools and in classrooms across Ontario.

I think about what is happening with the Toronto District School Board, because that is an area I represent. I very carefully read the Toronto District School Board’s announcements. I’ve read their long-term growth and accommodation strategy that looks at where we are going to put our schools and whether our schools have the capacity to deal with the 30,000-plus students who will be enrolled. There will be an increase in enrolment of that amount in the coming years. I also look at how they’re preparing for the 2023-24 year, and from the school board’s perspective, from the parents’ perspective, from the teachers’ perspective, from the education workers’ perspective, it doesn’t look good. What we are hearing is that the TDSB is looking at cutting 522 staffing positions. At a time when we have had year after year after year after year of cuts, it’s another round of staffing position cuts.


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  • Jun/7/23 9:50:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

The member for Perth–Wellington.

The member for Newmarket–Aurora.


Further debate?

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  • Jun/7/23 9:50:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

Thank you—

My question to the member is, what happens if parents disagree with a school or school board’s proposal on a grade retention, promotion and acceleration of their child? And how does this legislation help with these sometimes extremely difficult conversations?

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  • Jun/7/23 10:00:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

Yes. And there’s inflation too. Your budget went up. Your global budget went up, didn’t it? It’s inflation too.


There were 522 staffing positions that were cut. I get calls from parents, from vice-principals, from principals, from education workers about what these cuts actually mean on the ground. We’re hearing from schools like Palmerston, Clinton, Lord Lansdowne and da Vinci, and they’re losing vice-principals; they’re losing teachers who are specifically dedicated to do one-on-one reading help with kids who are falling behind in grades 1 and 2 and 3—those critical years when you need kids to catch up. We are also hearing from parents whose kids have special needs—kids who have autism; kids who need an extra educational assistant in the classroom to ensure that they can focus, that they can learn, that their behaviour is managed so that they’re not a big disruption in the classroom, so that every child can learn. What they’re also finding is that there are not enough educational assistants available in schools to provide that one-on-one support, that extra support in a classroom so that a teacher can do their job, kids can learn and the classroom functions well. They’re not there.

The Ontario Autism Coalition just did a survey which asked parents, “How many times is your kid denied access to school because there’s no educational assistant or extra support available to help your kid in the classroom?” The unfortunate reality today is that there are parents who wake up in the morning at 8 o’clock and they get a call from their school saying, “There’s not enough staffing supports in the school for your kid to go to school today, so you’re going to have to rearrange your schedule, because there’s no school available for your kid.” That’s what’s happening in Ontario in 2023, and it’s a direct result of funding cuts that have been brought on by the Conservative government. I think that’s a real shame.

If I had to describe this bill, I would call it meek. It is really smoke and mirrors. It doesn’t address the urgent needs in our educational system. It really doubles down on the Conservatives’ chronic underinvestment in our education system. It does nothing to address the overcrowded classrooms, the lack of specialized learning programs and the mental health needs of our students. It does nothing to address that, which I think is a real shame.

And what it does seem be very interested in, this bill, is taking power away from school boards to control properties and putting it in the hands of the Conservative government, specific ministries, who can then sell off lands to whoever they wish. Sure, there is a process; it must go to another school board first or be offered to them, but then it’s really opaque what the rules are, essentially, after that, and this is happening at a time when the Conservatives are selling off public land to the highest bidder in secret deals where there’s no requirement for that land to be developed in a way that would help the public. There’s no requirement to build affordable housing. There’s no community benefit. There’s no requirement to have good union jobs on-site so we can provide good jobs to people in Ontario. There’s no requirement for that.

And when I read Bill 98, what makes me worried is the Conservatives are potentially opening the door to allow the sale of school board properties to for-profit developers to build housing. And who’s going to be impacted by that, and who’s going to be neglected by that decision is our future students. The reason why our future students are going to be negatively impacted by that is because all school boards, including the Toronto District School Board, have been sounding the alarm right now and they’re saying very clearly, “We’re worried about our school board’s capacity to provide the classroom space that is needed to meet the growing enrolment projections—we’re worried about it.” The TDSB is worried about it. Other school boards are worried about it, and they fear, understandably, that school properties are going to be sold off without adequate consideration about what is needed to meet our school capacity in our future.

The reason why I say this is because our province is expected to grow. Ontario is expected to build 1.5 million new homes over the next 10 years; that’s the target. In Toronto, we have a target of building 285,000 new homes, which will lead to a projected increase of 30,000 new kids into the school board system, and the TDSB already has an issue right now with overcrowding.

The member for Eglinton–Lawrence should know that around the area of Eglinton and Yonge, there are schools that don’t have the capacity to meet enrolment right now, and unfortunately, that’s largely to do with the Conservatives having a very Wild West approach to development, where development occurs based on where developers want to build and where they can get approvals. There’s no serious thought given into what kind of services current and new residents need in order to meet the needs and grow our city and make it a livable city. So what we’re seeing is highly concentrated growth in some areas and no schools, or inadequate schools, available to accommodate the new kids that are coming in. This is happening in my riding of University–Rosedale. It’s happening in Toronto–St. Paul’s. It’s happening in Parkdale–High Park, and it’s happening in a very acute way in the member for Spadina–Fort York’s riding where his riding has 140,000 people, one of the largest ridings in Ontario, and it’s growing extremely rapidly, yet the riding only has three schools—only three schools, for 140,000 people. It’s unregulated, it’s the Wild West, it’s disorganized, and I fear that Bill 98 is going to make it even easier for the Conservatives to say, “Oh, we’re under capacity over here. We’re just going to sell off those schools, build big on them and not think about what we need around future capacity.” I have some concerns about that.

I also have a lot of concerns around the failure of the Conservatives to address some of the biggest issues that we are experiencing in our schools today. One of the biggest issues that we’re hearing about is the pervasiveness of violence in our school system. A recent report came out from the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. It was disturbing to read, and it showed that "an alarming ... 77%" of members, 77% of teachers who filled in this survey, “say they have personally experienced violence or witnessed violence against another staff member.”

I’m going to quote: “Learning is being disrupted and violence is being normalized in schools because the” Conservatives refuse “to adequately invest in public education.” I see nothing in Bill 98 that is going to deal with this issue—nothing in it. “The system is suffering from chronic underfunding, under-resourcing, and understaffing, creating environments where student needs are going unmet.” That’s the reality of it, and I’m not seeing much in Bill 98 that addresses those fundamental issues.

When a kid is dropped off by their parents in the morning, they go in through the front door and they go into their classroom, there’s really not a lot in Bill 98 that is going to ensure they have a good day, a safe day, where they’re not going to be bullied or harassed; where the teacher and the educational assistant have time for them; where they meet their learning outcomes; where they have a good day where they’re safe, loved, well cared for and they can reach their full potential. I’m not seeing a lot in Bill 98 that’s going to allow us to achieve those goals and help the million-plus kids in Ontario have a good day at school. I’m just not.

I’m going to go back to what ETFO said, because this is really about what’s happening in the classroom. What this survey found is that:

“—Educators working with younger students are more likely to experience violence.

“—Eighty-six per cent of ETFO members who work in special education have personally experienced violence or witnessed it against another staff person.”

The reason why I bring up that issue is because it really gets to the failure of this government to address the huge staffing shortages we are experiencing in classrooms that need extra educational assistants, that need extra support workers, because they’re dealing with kids who have mental health challenges, who have a tough time, who have learning needs and need that extra support. They’re not setting teachers or a classroom up for success.

From the survey:

“—More than 80 per cent agree that violence in schools is making working with students more difficult and that it interferes with classroom management”—also not addressed with Bill 98.

“—Administrators know that violence is a problem, but do not always act on reports of violence.

“—Forty-two per cent of members have suffered a physical injury, illness or psychological injury/illness as a result of workplace violence against them this school year.”

These are really troubling statistics—very troubling statistics.

I want to look at what the TDSB had to say about Bill 98. The member for Ottawa West–Nepean reached out to unions, stakeholders, education workers to find out who the Conservatives consulted before introducing this bill. They didn’t consult with teachers. They didn’t consult with parents. They just came out with a bill; no consultation in advance.

This is what the Toronto school board had to say: “With regard to the ministry’s move to gain greater control over TDSB property through the ability to direct the sale, lease or disposal of school sites”—

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  • Jun/7/23 10:10:00 a.m.

I rise today with a singular message of love and support for all of our 2SLGBTQ+ community, deeply disturbed by the recent surge in hate crimes and messages of intolerance.

During Pride Month, schools in Niagara and Pride flags have become targets of intolerance, trustees have used hate language, and bigotry has been spray-painted on our schools.

We must protect our queer and trans youth, fostering safe spaces for them to thrive. Here is the message: You are safe; you are loved. We will do everything in our power to make that clear.

However, when reaching out to advocates and the community, they expressed that words are not enough; we need action. It is no longer enough for politicians in the month of June to just condemn violence with words only.

They are right. It needs to be every month, and it needs to be with action. I am proud to be part of a caucus with the member for Toronto Centre, who has demanded action, not only words of condemnation.

Today, let us remember we are calling on the minister, under the Education Act, to use a variety of powers to promote safety and inclusion, with the rise of hate.

Prejudice has no home in Niagara. To my 2SLGBTQ+ community in Niagara, you have my unwavering support; however, more than that, my commitment to action, action for an inclusive, safe—

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  • Jun/7/23 10:10:00 a.m.

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of speaking at a joint celebration of Jewish and Filipino heritage months held by B’nai Brith Canada and the Filipino Heritage Month Society. The event was held on June 1 to mark the transition from Jewish Heritage Month, which is held in May, to Filipino Heritage Month, which is held in June. Attendees included the Philippines’s ambassador to Canada, the former Philippine ambassador to Israel, members of various levels of government, senators and Irwin Cotler, who works to oppose anti-Semitism and human rights violations of all kinds.

I gained new insight into the actions of former Filipino President Manuel L. Quezon, whose open-door policy in 1937 allowed 1,200 Jews who were fleeing the Holocaust to seek refuge in the Philippines. President Quezon made this heroic decision at a time when Canada and other nations had closed their doors to Jewish refugees.

Several speakers described the Jewish community in the Philippines—they still have this Jewish community based on the ones who came during the Holocaust. This is a lesson to all of us on the importance of compassion and respect for others.

My riding of Eglinton–Lawrence is home to large Jewish and Filipino communities. The event celebrated their joint heritage and emphasis on family, community and faith.

So let me say, mabuhay shalom to all celebrating Jewish Heritage Month, which has just passed, and Filipino Heritage Month, which is coming.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:10:00 a.m.

Good morning, Speaker. I’d like to start my member statement today by welcoming three paramedics from Halton paramedic services, who are with us today in the members’ gallery: Tom Stirling, deputy chief and manager of operations; Cassandra Lee; and Marlee Weinerman.

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending Halton region’s Paramedic Day. Each year, Halton paramedic services responds to over 55,000 calls and transports 35,000 patients through 15 strategically placed ambulance stations. Paramedics are truly unsung heroes in times of crisis, making split-second decisions that can save lives. They are often the first to arrive at the scene, risking their own safety to provide immediate care to those in need.

In recognition of their bravery, the Ontario government recently introduced the Ontario Medal for Paramedic Bravery to recognize paramedics who have demonstrated great bravery in the line of duty.

Recognizing the importance of paramedics in our health care system, our government recently expanded the Learn and Stay grant to include paramedic programs in priority communities. Eligible students will now receive full, upfront funding for tuition, books and other direct educational costs in return for working and caring for people in the region where they studied for a term of service after they graduate.

Thank you to all paramedics for your service, and thank you to Halton paramedic services for coming out today.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:10:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 98 

My apologies. I must interrupt the member from University–Rosedale.

Third reading debate deemed adjourned.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

It’s going to be difficult following that. One of the great things about being an MPP is we have the opportunity to be part of some truly great celebrations. This past week was one of those opportunities for me. Lions International has a motto of “We Serve.” It’s estimated that each Lion makes a difference in 70 people’s lives each year that they serve.

The Havelock Lions just celebrated their 65th year of service, which in itself is an accomplishment. But, Speaker, there’s one individual Lion I have to centre out. Alfred Charles Cooper, commonly referred to as Alf, was one of the charter members of the Havelock Lions Club way back in 1958. For 65 years, Alf has been serving his community. The lives of 4,550 people have been made better by the things that Alf has done for his community.

I’ve known Alf for longer than I’ve been the MPP. Alf has reminded me many times that the Lions are not political. Although he welcomes me volunteering at Lions events, I can’t even wear a blue T-shirt, and if I do, he hands me a yellow Lions vest to put on over top of it.

Integrity and service have defined Alf’s actions as a Lion for 65 years.

Thank you for your service, Alf. The world is a much better place because of the service you have given.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Comme beaucoup de mes collègues l’ont mentionné dans les derniers jours, ça fait déjà un an que nous avons été élus pour représenter les citoyens de la province de l’Ontario. Je veux remercier les citoyens de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell pour leur confiance, et je veux les assurer que j’en suis reconnaissant et que je continuerai à les représenter au meilleur de mes capacités.

Il ne reste que quelques jours à cette session ici à Queen’s Park. Nous allons apprécier le temps que nous passerons dans nos circonscriptions respectives. J’espère que je ne manquerai pas trop mes collègues pendant les prochains mois. J’aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour souhaiter un bel été à mes collègues députés. Ils seront dans leurs circonscriptions durant les deux prochains mois pour participer à plein d’événements; rencontrer des organismes, des entreprises, des citoyens; et passer un peu plus de temps avec leur famille.

Nous serons tous très occupés à rencontrer des gens, en participant à des foires agricoles, des évènements de levées de fonds d’organismes à but non lucratif, des célébrations communautaires, festivals, et j’en passe. Les évènements estivaux sont déjà en cours dans ma circonscription et à travers la province, monsieur le Président. J’ai déjà participé à quelques évènements de ma région, et je peux vous dire que les gens sont très contents de participer à ces rassemblements.

Pour moi, les prochains mois seront des occasions extraordinaires pour entreprendre de belles discussions avec les citoyens et de leur expliquer ce que notre gouvernement fait pour améliorer la vie de tous les Ontariens. J’ai bien hâte de parcourir ma circonscription pour rencontrer les gens de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Speaker, there are a lot of questions for the Minister of Education. His ministry is responsible for TVO, which has done high-quality programming work for years on public affairs and children’s programming. In the last four years, funding to TVO has been frozen or dropped while inflation has relentlessly driven costs upwards. The budget for content and programming at TVO dropped by well over 10% between 2021 and 2022, and this year’s estimates from the Minister of Education are certainly nothing to be happy about.

I have to ask, why is TVO management trying to starve TVO programming? TVO public affairs programming and children’s programming are literally award winners in this country. And yet, both the ministry and TVO management seem to be committed to slowly—maybe not so slowly—making it more and more difficult for programming to be made here in Ontario. What do they have against high-quality programming being made in this province?

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Today I want to recognize champions from Algoma–Manitoulin. So, let’s get ready to rumble! The Manitoulin Secondary School robotics team not only took two dean’s list semi-finalists, the North Bay event Engineering Inspiration Award, the McMaster event FIRST Impact Award and the provincial FIRST Impact Award, but they delivered a knockout blow, winning the Robotics World Championship FIRST Impact Award in Houston, Texas, with their robot, Bumblebee.

The Impact Award is the most prestigious award that a team can win. It best embodies the goals and ideals of the competition. Because of their outstanding performance, they have qualified to compete again at the 2024 championships. Manitoulin Metal 6865 stood out amongst the 630 teams because of their focus on sustainability and their work to becoming carbon-neutral.

Stepping into the ring: Ben Willis, Jocelyn Kuntsi, Nevaeh Harper, Alexis McVey, Samuel Pennings, Xavi Mara, Ryan Kuntsi, Addy Gray, Alex Wilson-Zegil, Robyn Ashlyn-McNaughton, Daphne Carr, Garrett Charbonneau, Patrick McCann and Alan Wilkin.

I want to congratulate all the students, educators and parents who went out to the competitions, as well as thank the over 300 Manitoulin sponsors, businesses, residents, supporters and students who made it possible for them to compete. Speaker, Bee-sustainable, 6865 Bumblebee logging out.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

After 30 years of service, Denise Arkell is celebrating her retirement from the role of executive director at Neighbour to Neighbour in our community of Hamilton Mountain. Today I want to take a moment to recognize Denise and to tell you more about her, because she truly is a pillar of the Hamilton community and she has made a lasting impact.

Denise is a person who never stops. She is the kind of person who works tirelessly, day in and day out, so she can help support people and meet the needs of our community where they are.

When Denise started back in 1993, Neighbour to Neighbour was serving around 600 households a month. Now they are serving 1,400 households each and every month. Her passion and her drive led her to expanding the various programs at Neighbour to Neighbour, because Denise has consistently recognized the need where she sees it.

I have known Denise for several years, and I am truly honoured to call her a friend. I’ve been lucky enough to work with her on several projects, including Coldest Night of the Year. If you’ve ever participated in this event in Hamilton Mountain, chances are you’ve met Denise. In true fashion, she works hard to lead this event each and every year to support people in need in our community.

Our community has been positively influenced by Denise’s work, and her efforts have created a living legacy that has spread across Hamilton.

Denise, I want to say thank you for everything. I am a better person for knowing you. You’ve inspired me each and every day for the hard work we do in our community. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement. While this is an end to one era, I know this is the beginning of a beautiful chapter for you. Congratulations.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:20:00 a.m.

As we all know, June is Aboriginal History Month, and it is my pleasure to rise in the House today and talk about an amazing event that will be happening in my riding of Brantford–Brant, from July 21 to 23: the 43rd annual Champion of Champions powwow.

This event began as an idea back in 1979, when a group of dancers who had been performing at powwows throughout Ontario thought how wonderful it would be to be able to have their very own competition at home. In 1980, with tremendous support from the community, the first-ever Champion of Champions powwow was held on the Six Nations of the Grand River territory.

Over the years, the powwow has become a major tourist attraction locally, nationally and internationally. With over 30 categories to compete in, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Not only can you be treated to exceptional traditional dancing and drumming, but you can also find over 100 craft vendors selling jewellery, moccasins, shirts and many other unique items only found in this region.

The best path to true reconciliation with Ontario’s First Nations is to spend time sharing in the cultural experience and warmth of the Haudenosaunee people. So if you are looking for a family-friendly, engaging activity, head over to 1987 Chiefswood Road, Ohsweken, from July 21 to 23. You will love it.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome Jaide Kassam, our ministry intern and a student at Carleton University, and as tough as it is for me to say this: Go, Ravens!

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  • Jun/7/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome Momina Malik, Quinn LeFort, Soobin Sung and Joubin Seyrafian. They are the four newest members of the Ontario Liberal summer internship program.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It is my pleasure to welcome Dua Boztas and Mévlutte Boztas. They are the parents of my incredible OLIP intern, Esma Boztas, who I want to thank for her hard work.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to recognize, from BUSU, Brock University Students’ Union: Alyssa Hall, Carleigh Charlton, Aishah Sonekan, James Maxwell-Barillas. Welcome to your House.

But also, Speaker, on Saturday I had the opportunity to walk in the ALS walk in Niagara—and I’m proud to announce Niagara was third overall in Ontario for raising funds—and that’s where I had the opportunity to meet Kris Noakes and her daughter, Fallon, who were on the walk. Welcome to your House and thank you for coming.

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  • Jun/7/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to introduce my wonderful constituency staff who are with me here today: Joanne Beatty, my constituency manager; Jennie Yeung; Matthew Fieg, Daniel Goutevets, James Madore—all three of whom are my full-time summer intern students; as well as Téah U-Ming, my OLIP intern who’s with me for only a couple more weeks. I just want to thank them for all they do to support me. Welcome to the Legislature.

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