
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
March 9, 2023 09:00AM
  • Mar/9/23 10:40:00 a.m.

Thank you for the question from the member opposite.

This is a bill about building mines. It’s about bringing prosperity to northern Ontario. It’s a bill about securing the supply chain for critical minerals so that, in fact, the critical minerals that are produced in northern Ontario will be matched with the mining might in southern Ontario. These minerals, right now, are being secured in Russia and China and Congo, and we need those minerals secured in Ontario, out of northern Ontario. There is no compromise with the Indigenous duty to consult. There is no compromise with Ontario’s environmental standards. This is a world-class bill that will benefit every single citizen in Ontario.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:40:00 a.m.

Thank you very much for the question.

The members opposite in the opposition are trying to sow fear—fearmongering, really—about things like this.

This government’s record speaks for itself. We’ve invested an additional $14 billion in our health care system since 2018. That is almost a 30% increase, since 2018, in our health care funding. We’ve added more beds in four years than the previous Liberal government, supported by the opposition, did in 14. We’ve launched the largest health care recruitment initiative in Ontario’s history. And we’ll continue to make necessary improvements to make sure that Ontarians get the care they expect and deserve.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:40:00 a.m.

My question is to the Premier.

Yesterday, the Financial Accountability Office made it abundantly clear: This government has not allocated sufficient funds to support health care programs to get Ontarians the care that they need.

We are already seeing the worst emergency room wait times in over a decade. Without additional investment, Ontarians can expect those wait times to get even longer. We had 145 unplanned emergency room closures just last year.

This Premier promised to end hallway medicine. There are people in this province who would be happy to get into a hallway just to access some medicine.

To the Premier: Will the government commit to covering this $21.3-billion shortfall in health care? Your plan is designed to fail. You can course-correct.

The Financial Accountability Officer—who is independent, who is non-partisan and who is following the money—projects that Ontario will have less hospital capacity, less long-term-care capacity in 2028 than it did in 2018, and basically the status quo in home care capacity. This is an important report that the government should be paying attention to.

So my question is to the Premier: Will the upcoming budget fully fund your own health care plans? Put the money in your own plan.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:40:00 a.m.

Minister of Northern Development, Minister of Indigenous Affairs.

Response, the Minister of Mines.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade.

Ontario’s world-class manufacturing sector employs over 660,000 workers and is the lifeline of our province’s regional economies, including in my riding of Essex.

When the previous Liberal government announced that Ontario’s economy would shift away from goods-producing to service-producing sectors, they were unprepared for the exodus of jobs that would ensue. They were a government without a plan. The 300,000 manufacturing jobs that they sent running from Ontario came as a surprise to no one, but it left communities, including communities in southwestern Ontario, economically damaged.

Will the minister please explain how our government is once again supporting the manufacturing sector and bringing back jobs to southwestern Ontario?

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

My question is for the Premier.

Amanda, a mother from the Niagara region, shared with me her heartbreaking experience trying to get an autism assessment for her child. She reached out to her MPP’s office—the member from Niagara West—asking when her child would be able to get an assessment, only to be given OAP talking points by his staff. Amanda responded, “OAP services do absolutely no good without a written diagnosis, and the wait-list for a diagnosis in Ontario under his government is years long. We don’t have years to waste waiting for an appointment, and we can’t afford to pay thousands out of pocket.” The MPP personally responded with the same talking points.

I want to make it crystal clear to the MPP: Children cannot access the OAP without an assessment and a diagnosis.

Why does the Premier and his government believe it’s okay to ignore mothers looking for answers?

Amanda contacted her MPP for information on the assessment backlog and instead was left feeling disrespected and unheard. All this MPP could do was spew OAP talking points and suggest she look at different provinces in the country. She asked him several times to answer her question about what this government is doing to tackle the wait-list for assessments, and he couldn’t do that.

How can families believe this government when their own MPPs are unwilling to listen and have no suggestion other than maybe leaving the province?

So my question is clear: How can families access the OAP in a timely manner when it is taking years for them to get an assessment?

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

That’s a straight-up lie.


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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

I’ll remind the members to make their comments through the Chair.

To reply, the member for Eglinton–Lawrence.

Start the clock.

The member for Eglinton–Lawrence has the floor.

The House will come to order.

Start the clock.

The next question.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

I welcome the opportunity to give the member opposite the facts.

We have doubled the funding to $600 million. Shortly after we formed government in 2018, there were 31,500 people registered with the Ontario Autism Program, of whom only 8,500 were receiving support. That means barely a quarter of people enrolled in the program were receiving any support, and that support was limited to one type of therapy. The other three quarters—that’s 23,000 children—had no prospect of ever receiving supports from the Liberal government. Today, recognizing that there are different needs to be met, over 40,000 children and youth with autism have received support through multiple streams in the program. That’s almost five times more than at any point since we formed government.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

Our government knows that wait times for surgeries and diagnostic tests have been increasing year after year, and we’ve said we’re not okay with the status quo. We know that more work needs to be done, and we’re doing it. That is why we announced our innovative plan for expansion of community diagnostic and surgical clinics, which the opposition is opposing at every step.

In fact, in the opposition, the member from Nickel Belt has been asking that we use hospital ORs more, if they have availability.

The hospital OR in Ottawa Centre is being used through a joint partnership. But every weekend, the member from Ottawa Centre, who is a member of the opposition, is out there, harassing patients who are trying to get hospital surgery—



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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

The real crisis is within our health care workforce, which this government continues to disrespect with Bill 124, appealing the decision which found this legislation to be unconstitutional and a violation of charter rights. The workers who are in the health care system right now are overworked and they are underpaid. The government can talk about their so-called recruitment strategy, but you can’t recruit people into a broken system. You should be focusing on retaining those workers.

The Financial Accountability Officer expects the province will need 33,000 more nurses and PSWs to keep up with the needs of our growing and aging population.

Back to the Premier: How does this government expect to recruit thousands more nurses and PSWs when, last year, wages for Ontario nurses were among the lowest in the country?

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

Thank you to the member for that question.

We are seeing a record number of students coming into the health human resources field. Under the leadership of this Premier and this Minister of Health, our government has launched the largest health care recruiting and training initiative in this province’s history, and the results are there. I can tell you, the enrolment in universities alone this past fall, September 2022—over 109,000 students are entering into the nursing field; that’s nursing alone. We are attracting more registered practical nurses, more PSWs, and creating pathways for these students to upskill from a PSW to an RPN, and from an RPN to a registered nurse. The opportunities are there, and students are seeing that.

Our new Learn and Stay program alone—the day we announced it saw over 14,000 students check the website, because students are interested in getting into the nursing field, and there are opportunities there to ensure that we have more health human resources in the underserved and northern areas.

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  • Mar/9/23 10:50:00 a.m.

To be very clear, what the member across is saying is that because she doesn’t agree with the policies of this government, the right thing to do is to attack the people who work in the constituency office of one of the hardest-working members of provincial Parliament. I’ve seen a lot of things in this place that have diminished the role of all of us, but I have never seen another member attack the constituency office of a member of provincial Parliament because they don’t agree with the policy. You can disagree with the policy—fine, disagree with the policy, take it to the floor of the House like she has done. But don’t attack the people who work in constituency offices.

I will remind the member opposite that it was this member for Niagara who brought new hospitals to his community after years of failure by that side of the House. It was that member of provincial Parliament who brought new long-term care. It was that member of Parliament who brought in a new autism program. It was that member of Parliament who brought in thousands of new nurses. It was that member of Parliament who—


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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

Thank you to the minister for his answer.

Ontario’s booming manufacturing sector, including the important manufacturing sector in my riding of Essex, made this province number one in the world and the best to invest, live and grow.

This government has been successful in showing the world that Ontario is open for business. But just as any business changes, so does the world economy. And Ontario needs to keep up as we strive to remain competitive.

Will the minister please explain how our government continues to ensure that Ontario is a premier destination for manufacturers—both for our entrepreneurs and for the world’s investors?

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

My question is to the Premier.

Many of the residents in our community of Toronto–St. Paul’s live in condos they rent or own. Condo living, as we all know in this House, is not cheap, and as more and more people move into them, they’re encountering problems like broken elevators—yes—unfinished amenities, and mismanaged condo fees.

People deserve an accountable condo authority tribunal that can protect them and do so quickly—but this government voted against the official opposition’s motion to do just that.

So my question is to the Premier: What is your plan to protect residents in condos?

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

In my riding of Parkdale–High Park and across Toronto, more and more residents now live in condos. Condo residents experience numerous issues with property management, with the developer, and with poorly run boards. When they reach out to my office, they are shocked to learn that there’s no effective regulator, no government agency and no tribunal that they can turn to that can hear disputes and resolve them in a quick and affordable manner.

The Auditor General has called for reform in the condo sector, and so has an all-party committee of this House.

My question to the Premier is, why did the Conservatives vote down an NDP motion to set up a condo authority tribunal?

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

By reducing taxes, lowering the cost of electricity and cutting red tape, we have seen manufacturers look to Ontario to expand again.

Every morning, Premier Ford gets what we call his one-a-day vitamin: the name of a company, where they’re locating, how many millions they’re investing, how many people they’re hiring, and whether we have any skin in the game or not.

Sante Manufacturing in Aylmer invested $7.5 million to accelerate their expansion, diversify their product line, and hire 15 people. Arvaspring in Middlesex is investing $5 million to build a new state-of-the-art poultry processing facility to help enter international markets—MC3, $6.8 million; Idol Core, $5.1 million, 30 new jobs.

Since our election, businesses and industry have created 600,000 new jobs—proof positive that Ontario is open for business.

This government dug deep and asked them, what do you need to return to Ontario? They told us—reduced taxes, less red tape, and to fix the Liberals’ hydro mess. And we delivered. We did exactly what they asked. We reduced the cost of business by $7 billion every year, and those businesses are now back here. The exodus is over. These companies have hired 600,000 men and women in the last four and a half years, and companies have recently announced millions in reshoring investments, adding thousands more new jobs—all because they know that Ontario is now the best place in the world to invest and succeed.

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

Supplementary question.

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

Thank you to the member opposite for the question.

Speaker, as we have said numerous times, our government takes the matter of consumer protection in the condo sector very seriously, and we’ll never stop taking the necessary action to protect Ontarians across the province. In fact, this government has already twice expanded the CAT’s jurisdiction, and we’ll continue to take a measured and intelligent approach to increasing the tribunal’s power. And we are not stopping our efforts to improve protection for all Ontarians and ensure they have a safe and secure place to call home.

My ministry welcomes the Auditor General’s feedback on Ontario’s condo sector and has already begun consulting on ways to actively improve and expand the condo authority tribunal and its powers.

As I said, this government has already twice expanded the Condominium Authority Tribunal’s jurisdiction, and we will continue to take a measured and intelligent approach to increasing the tribunal’s powers.

Speaker, it is this government that is making condo boards fairer and more transparent and improving the lives of the hundreds of thousands of Ontarians who call a condo home.

We will continue to work with the condo sector to implement the changes suggested by the Auditor General and ensure that condo owners across the province are provided with the treatment they expect and deserve.

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  • Mar/9/23 11:00:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Education.

As Ontario’s population continues to grow, it is essential that our education system continues to equip our students for the jobs of the future that will help build Ontario.

For 15 years, the previous Liberal government stood idly by as the need for skilled trades workers ballooned and Ontario’s curriculum grew obsolete to address the issue. As a result, Ontario has seen a troublesome decline in apprenticeship certification and trades diplomas earned.

At the same time, young people in the province of Ontario need to find good-paying and dignified jobs to succeed.

Will the minister please explain what measures our government has implemented to close the skills gap between our students and the jobs that we need to fill in Ontario?

In my own riding of Flamborough–Glanbrook, Adventec produces engineered products for the automotive industry that are critical for production of in-demand vehicles. The president of Adventec, Jim Campbell, tells me that he needs more workers to serve consumers in our community. I’ve been told that his company is consistently short at least eight workers. Specifically, Jim needs machinists and other technical skilled trades workers who will help his business grow. I know that this is a problem faced by many businesses right across Ontario.

Can the minister please elaborate on how our government is connecting young people with the jobs of Ontario in the future?

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