
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 30, 2024 09:00AM
  • May/30/24 11:10:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Long-term Care.

The federal government’s unfair, regressive carbon tax is forcing Ontarians to pay more for everything, from their groceries to home heating and gas.

Speaker, families in my riding of Richmond Hill are concerned about the impact the costly tax will have on their loved ones.

I have heard from long-term-care operators in our province who say that the Liberal carbon tax is driving up the cost of building. As our aging population continues to grow, it is vital that our long-term-care capacity grows alongside it.

Ontarians want an end to this tax, and the federal Liberals need to do the right thing and scrap it immediately.

Speaker, can the minister please tell the House what our government is doing to build more long-term-care homes in Ontario?

Unlike the NDP and Liberal members of this Legislature, our government understands the challenges Ontarians are facing. That’s why we have been asking the federal government to scrap the carbon tax since day one. But the opposition continues to turn a blind eye. They would rather support a costly carbon tax that does nothing besides punishing families, businesses and workers. Despite their inaction, our government, under the leadership of Premier Ford, is getting it done for Ontarians.

Speaker, can the parliamentary assistant elaborate on the work our government has been doing to ensure that our seniors receive the care they need and enjoy the high quality of life that they deserve?

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