
Decentralized Democracy

Senator Gold: I understand because I attended the meetings as well. First, the bill is clear. It doesn’t apply to digital creators. This bill targets the platforms, not those who create the content.

Second, the minister repeated this several times very recently during a televised public program.

Third, the text makes it clear that this doesn’t apply. The fact that people create something and put it online doesn’t make them broadcasters. Far from it. The definitions are very clear.

Finally, as I mentioned in my speech and in the motion itself, the government has committed to spelling out in the policy direction that this won’t apply. I understand the fears, but they are not based on the text of the bill or the government’s position.

It is a clear and public commitment. If we approve the motion, the will of the Senate will be to ensure that the government is held to the commitments it made.


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Hon. Leo Housakos: My question is for the government leader and it has to do with user-generated content and digital-first content providers. It’s nice to hear the minister say that digital users and content providers will not be part of this Bill C-11. It’s nice to hear the sponsor of the bill say it in this chamber. It’s great and reassuring to hear it in your speech. But the reality of the matter is the amendments that we sent over in good faith which made it clear that user-generated content would not be caught up in the web that’s being spun by this piece of legislation were rejected by the government.

My question is a very simple one: Why wouldn’t the government accept those amendments making it clear in the law — not a commitment on the part of government — that user-generated content will be excluded and carved out? Why did the government reject those amendments given the fact that we should take it at face value and accept that those amendments would put in the law the stated intent of what you just shared with us in your speech?

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