
Decentralized Democracy
  • Apr/18/23 2:00:00 p.m.

Hon. Marc Gold (Government Representative in the Senate): Thank you for your question and for the vital work the Senate committee is doing on this important subject. This has been a priority for governments and for this government, and it builds upon a history of world-class research in this country on this important issue. Indeed, Canadian scientists are bringing to the table innovative approaches and practices to help us build resilience in soils, reduce erosion and increase soil carbon capture, helping the agricultural community to do its important and necessary part in our efforts to offset greenhouse gas effects.

Since 2021, the government has announced $1.5 billion worth of initiatives for the agricultural sector. It has provided incentives to producers to adopt practices and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon in soils and improve soil health. The new Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership — which is a $3.5-billion five-year agreement between federal, provincial and territorial governments — includes funding to support farmers in adapting practices to improve soil health. This includes a new $250-million cost-shared Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program to help farmers implement such practices and help enhance the natural ability of agricultural lands to sequester carbon, protecting biodiversity and, of course, soil health.

The government is also developing a sustainable agricultural strategy in collaboration with sector partners and stakeholders. It will focus on five themes, including soil health, and help set a shared direction for our actions together to improve environmental performance over the long term to enhance the sustainability, competitiveness and vitality of this sector.


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