
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Pat Duncan: Senator Arnot, will you take a question?

What’s troubled me about the amendment before us — and it goes to the discussion of the definitions — and what has struck me throughout this debate is that there are as many definitions of what constitutes “consultation” as there are First Nations Indigenous groups across this country.

Consultation means different things to different people, and there’s no consultation protocol that exists in the Government of Canada. That’s part of the problem. We have constitutionally protected rights. Senator Dalphond has spoken to that.

This amendment, from what I’ve heard, is redundant if we don’t clarify exactly what it’s supposed to do, which would be to provide a definition of “consultation.” For that reason, I’m struggling with it. I appreciate the passion that you have brought forward, but I also know that when I first stood in the Yukon Legislative Assembly, I was asked, “Have you followed the consultation protocol duly negotiated with First Nations?”

That’s why I can’t support this amendment. What is “consultation”? Do you have a definition?

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