
Decentralized Democracy

Marilyn Gladu

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Sarnia—Lambton
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 65%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $178,221.45

  • Government Page
  • Oct/24/23 2:35:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the housing accelerator fund closed on August 18, with no money left and no bright ideas coming from the Liberal government. However, after eight years of the NDP-Liberal government, seniors in my riding are losing their homes and joining the ranks of the homeless. Everything is being driven up in cost by the Liberals' inflationary spending. Bloomberg reports that over half of Canadians are saying they are worse off this past year. With winter coming and the carbon tax piling up, people know that this Prime Minister is just not worth the cost. Will the government stop its inflationary spending so Canadians can have a roof over their heads?
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  • Sep/26/22 12:46:21 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-31 
Madam Speaker, I have two questions for the parliamentary secretary. My first question is as a person who was formerly on a board of a homeless shelter. We are seeing across the country and in my riding an increase in homelessness and an affordable housing crisis. How is $500 going to help the many people who are losing their homes in this affordability crisis? It is more like a band-aid on a gaping wound. Second, my understanding of the deal that the NDP signed with the Liberal Party was that the Liberals were going to put in a dental care program that would cover everyone. This one covers children under 12. With respect to the amounts we are talking about, I just got my teeth cleaned and it was almost $300. Seventy per cent of the folks are covered by programs and the rest who are on social assistance already receive this. How is this anything like the promise that was made? Why did the government break its promise to its partners?
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  • Feb/15/22 6:14:12 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-12 
Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the member opposite for her speech. I so enjoyed working with her when we were on the status of women committee together. I know she has a heart for her community. One of things I find troubling about the amount of time the government has delayed this is the number of people in my riding who have fallen into homelessness and have not been able to get any kind of help from it. Even those who had worked, paid into EI and met the criteria were refused. Does the member feel the government will come with a payment in time or does she think that waiting until July of next year is going to cause more of those kinds of negative consequences?
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