
Decentralized Democracy

Marilyn Gladu

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Conservative
  • Sarnia—Lambton
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 65%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $178,221.45

  • Government Page
  • Feb/14/24 2:10:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, Canadians know that the Prime Minister is not worth the cost. In this era of insane inflation, housing crisis and food prices that are through the roof, the Prime Minister is hiking the carbon tax again on April 1. The Liberals want to quadruple it to 61¢ a litre. Canadians are crying out for relief, but the government instead wants to keep digging deeper into our pockets to fund its corrupt overspending. The carbon tax makes food more expensive at every stage. When one taxes the farmer who grows the food and the trucker who transports the food, one taxes the people who buy the food. The carbon tax does nothing to reduce emissions but forces Canadians into poverty and homelessness. The end result of the Liberals' failed carbon tax experiment is the two million Canadians who are now using food banks. This is unacceptable. Conservatives will continue to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.
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  • Feb/13/24 2:53:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister wasted more than $60 million on his ArriveCAN scam app, and he is going to make Canadians pay more by quadrupling the carbon tax. It is going up 23% on April 1. After eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, it is no surprise, but this Prime Minister is not worth the cost. Why do Canadians have to foot the bill for the government's corrupt spending?
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  • Feb/2/24 10:57:39 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, we have signed more than 50 trade agreements that have never contained any clause at all about carbon pricing. Ukraine already has a carbon price. I do not know why we would put equal carbon pricing, protection against carbon leakage and all of this kind of stuff into the contract. That is exactly what it does not need. Therefore, why will the Liberals not just take it out? We can then unanimously support the trade agreement.
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  • Feb/2/24 10:27:02 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, I do not think that the Liberal government can fix anything at all when it comes to corruption, because they are experts in the matter. We have signed many agreements with other countries and none of them mention the carbon tax. Why does the Canada-Ukraine agreement now talk about that? I do not know. We would support the agreement if any mention of carbon pricing were removed and replaced with something else.
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  • Dec/13/23 5:14:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member opposite certainly has tried to summon every boogeyman he can think of. Canadians are seeing in their pocketbooks that they cannot afford to buy groceries and they cannot afford to pay their heating bills. They are seeing the carbon tax line. I get calls to my office all the time about it. I am sure that the member opposite is getting the same kinds of calls from people who are concerned about the increasing cost of groceries and the increasing cost of the carbon tax on everything. Is he not receiving those calls?
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague for highlighting the importance of getting Bill C-234 across the line. Could she once again explain to the members opposite how the carbon tax escalates the cost of food throughout the supply chain?
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  • Nov/2/23 4:08:26 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, there was a lot of talk about hypocrisy in this debate, but maybe the member opposite could help me understand something. For eight long years, we have been listening to the Liberals try to justify a carbon tax based on driving people to lower their carbon footprint, but then they take the tax off heavy oil and continue to punish people who are using lower-carbon fuels like propane, natural gas or electricity. Could the member help me understand this ridiculous policy the Liberals have come forward with?
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  • Oct/26/23 3:41:16 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, that was a good speech. Before question period, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government said that Canada was a good place for investors. However, investors keep leaving. There are a lot of rules, like those arising from the passage of Bill C‑69, the carbon tax is too high, and we have measures that do not exist in other countries. Why is there nothing in this bill to deal with that problem?
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  • Sep/19/23 4:27:32 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-49 
Madam Speaker, I would say that it is a global problem. If we look at the percentage of the global problem that is due to people using heavy oil and coal, we can talk about that 50% and how Canada's LNG could actually cut that by 75%. That would be something worth doing in the world. Instead, our 18 LNG projects were cancelled. Can we guess what happened then? The 18 LNG projects popped up in the Nordic countries, so the carbon footprint did not leave the planet; only the jobs and prosperity for Canadians did.
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  • Jun/5/23 3:02:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let me give members some reality. There has been a carbon tax for years that has done nothing to stop forest fires in this country, and it will never stop forest fires. It is a tax plan; it is not an environment plan. The only thing the carbon tax does is punish hard-working Canadians. Will the Liberals quit double doubling down on the triple carbon tax and axe the tax?
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  • Jun/5/23 3:01:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the tax-and-spend Liberals are at it again. It is not bad enough that Canadians are skipping meals and going to food banks because they cannot afford to eat and heat with the punishing taxes that the government is going to triple. Now the Liberals want to double down with a clean fuel tax and put a tax on the tax. The combination of these taxes will raise the price of gas 61¢ a litre, costing thousands of extra dollars to Canadians who cannot afford it. When will the Liberals axe carbon tax 1.0 and 2.0 and the tax on the tax?
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  • Jun/1/23 1:39:45 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, let me talk as a chemical engineer about some of the things I have seen that are very effective at reducing emissions. When I was the director of engineering at Suncor, for example, we had emissions reduction programs in place for all the refineries. We were able to reduce our GHG emissions by 25%. We were basically capturing the emissions and recycling them. Then there is carbon sequestration. Canada is a leader in this technology. It is a great carbon sink. That is a way of getting there. In terms of energy, 40% of the energy in Ontario is nuclear. Of course, nuclear is carbon-free, so expanding into small modular nuclear reactors, especially in the emerging world, which is on coal and heavy carbon fuels, is a great idea. I also mentioned LNG supplanting coal. It is a lower-carbon fuel and is environmentally responsibly produced here.
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  • Feb/13/23 2:32:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us skip the fantasy. I am a numbers girl, so here are the numbers: eight long years under the Prime Minister, 40-year highs in inflation and food prices up 10%. Now the Liberals are going to triple the carbon tax. Do members know what that adds up to? It is 67. That is the percentage of people who think Canada is broken. Will the Prime Minister take responsibility for breaking the country, or will he get out of the way and let us fix it?
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  • Nov/21/22 5:51:51 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-32 
Mr. Speaker, I really believe people should pay their fair share, but Conservatives are also advocates of reducing taxes to make a competitive business environment and to help hard-working Canadians who are struggling. Right now, that is why we are asking to cut the carbon tax. It is inflationary, and it is increasing the cost of groceries, gas and home heating, which are not luxuries. Why is the member who asked the question propping up the government to put those taxes up on Canadians?
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  • Oct/25/22 3:02:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member is in deficit fantasy land. Our leader and our party have been calling for weeks for the Liberals to cancel taxes on Canadians, yet the Liberals are still planning to triple the carbon tax. I am going to ask this again today: Will they stop their punishing plans to increase the carbon tax and drive up the cost of gas, groceries and home heating, yes or no?
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  • Oct/3/22 2:10:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the new Conservative leader will put the people first: their paycheques, their savings, their homes, their country. The carbon tax is an utter failure. The Liberal government would have us believe that it will drive emissions down, but emissions have gone up under its tenure. B.C. has had a carbon tax for 14 years and its emissions have gone up four megatonnes. Quebec has had a similar program for 12 years and its emissions have gone up four megatonnes as well. The reality is that the carbon tax drives the price of everything up and it is punishing on Canadians who can least afford it. The Liberals would have us believe that they will get more money back than they pay, but the Parliamentary Budget Officer has said this is false and many Canadians will pay more. Still the Liberals are planning to triple the carbon tax in April of 2023. Clearly the Prime Minister is experiencing the carbon tax differently than hard-working Canadians. Help is on the way. A Conservative government with its new leader will scrap the carbon tax.
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  • Sep/27/22 12:05:12 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the carbon tax is not working, but the Liberal government still plans to increase the tax and force Quebec to increase its tax too. What does my colleague think of that?
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  • May/10/22 2:35:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians are suffering. People in my riding are seeing the escalating price of gasoline. It has nearly doubled, and it is driving the cost of food and everything else up. The Liberal environment minister promised that the price of the carbon tax would not go above $50 a tonne. That promise was broken. Now we have had multiple increases to the carbon tax in the middle of a pandemic, when many Canadians have lost their jobs. Canadians are at their limit. Will the government take some action to reduce the price of gas in Canada?
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  • Mar/4/22 12:29:14 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-8 
Mr. Speaker, I am extremely concerned that at a time when we see seniors and people on a fixed income really struggling to survive, the government has put three carbon tax increases on them, an increase in CPP premiums and the escalator tax on wine and beverages. To add insult to injury, that carbon tax comes with a tax on a tax. This is really crushing the ability of people to afford to live. I think it is outrageous that the government is doing that, and I would call on it to reverse the taxes it has put in place already so that people can afford to live.
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