
Decentralized Democracy
  • Dec/1/21 3:51:03 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, since this is my first opportunity to rise in this parliamentary session, I want to congratulate you on being re-established in the chair. I want to also thank the people of Sarnia—Lambton for electing me for a third time to represent them. The member opposite has mentioned some of the restrictions that we have been experiencing with COVID-19. It is the charter right of every Canadian to be able to freely exit and enter Canada. As a result of the Liberal government's policies on planes, trains and taking a boat, people who are not double vaccinated are also not able to cross the land border and are effectively trapped in the country. What reasonable accommodations, like testing, PPE, quarantine, will the government put in place to reinstate the charter rights of millions of Canadians?
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