
Decentralized Democracy

Elizabeth May

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Green Party
  • Saanich—Gulf Islands
  • British Columbia
  • Voting Attendance: 61%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $201,868.20

  • Government Page
  • May/1/24 4:10:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is difficult to keep track. On the question of privilege, I was very distressed by the additional information provided by the hon. member for Lethbridge. I am sure all of us in this place know how critically important it is that we have no question in our minds as to the accuracy of Hansard. I want to stop for a moment to thank the various staff members who make it possible to have verbatim transcripts of everything we say in this place and who give us a chance, if we absolutely have been misunderstood, to correct the record between the blues, which is, for those who might be watching on CPAC, the unofficial transcript, and the publishing of Hansard. It is critical that there never be any question as to the accuracy of Hansard in recording our remarks in this place. The hon. member for Lethbridge, who happens to be a friend of mine, which is neither here nor there, said there could be no other explanation for the changes between what she said she said, and I accept her word on that, and what appears in Hansard. I always leave open the possibility for an innocent explanation of somebody making an error, but I do not think we can leave this matter where any assumptions are being made about what happened. I urge you, Mr. Speaker, to investigate this thoroughly to ensure that none of us can have any doubts in our minds that Hansard is an accurate reflection of what members have said and that there is no possibility of any interference, from any quarter, in the words spoken and the printed Hansard, that they are one hundred per cent in alignment with the truth.
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  • Sep/29/23 12:16:32 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I want to thank you for your valiant efforts today in maintaining order through question period. I would also like to thank the hon. member for Louis-Saint-Laurent for apologizing. He is a role model for us all. I did hear something that can be taken up later, and I know that if I heard it clearly it may end up in Hansard. It was not something said by the hon. member for Lethbridge, but while she had the floor, a male voice was heard quite clearly saying the word “cowardly”. I think it may end up in Hansard, unless someone attends to it.
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  • Jun/13/22 1:39:56 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-11 
Madam Speaker, it is a rare privilege to have the first question off the top to the hon. member for Perth—Wellington. As he was reflecting on the history, and I have been doing this myself and have not yet had time to dive into Hansard to double-check, he asked members to cast our minds back and ask how this place would react to a motion like this had it been brought forward in the period of time when there was a Harper majority government. I cannot think of a time that a motion this egregious was put forward in that era. I know that when we speak to someone like the hon. member for Perth—Wellington, who got a Ph.D. in the Thursday question, one knows they are going to a source with some knowledge. Could he enlighten me? Did I miss one, or is this in fact the worst we have ever seen?
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