
Decentralized Democracy

Elizabeth May

  • Member of Parliament
  • Member of Parliament
  • Green Party
  • Saanich—Gulf Islands
  • British Columbia
  • Voting Attendance: 61%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $201,868.20

  • Government Page
  • Sep/26/24 1:54:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order to briefly say that I deeply appreciate the thoughtful response to my last point of order. However, when referring to Standing Order 11(2), I was cut off by heckling and not able to direct the Speaker to the section that I thought might be relevant in the future, which is on avoiding irrelevant and repetitious speech. That seemed to be the case in the attacks on the individual we referenced.
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  • May/23/24 10:18:44 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, forgive me, but it was distressing to hear heckling. Petitions are not the voices of the members here, as a member of the House of Commons representing a riding. Presenting a petition is presenting the voices of our constituents to this place. We are neither for nor against the petitions we present. We are speaking for our constituents and, in particular, it is offensive that they should be heckled.
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  • Nov/6/23 3:48:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am rising briefly on a point of order, because I believe the point of order made by the hon. member for Gatineau may have been missed in the furor over other issues. Being a virtual participant, I find it very distressing when, during votes, there is so much heckling. That was the point raised. It had nothing to do with anything visual we observed. However, auditory interruptions in the voting process are against the Standing Orders, and I just wanted to rise briefly to support the hon. member for Gatineau. Perhaps the Speaker might come back to that question of decorum to remind us of the rules.
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  • May/31/22 11:33:41 a.m.
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The heckling that I just experienced was a personal attack to my personal integrity, and I take personal offence. I ask the hon. member to withdraw those remarks, because they are untrue, unfounded and based on malicious gossip. He should be ashamed.
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  • Feb/17/22 9:05:57 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. Standing Order 16 and Standing Order 18 are being violated. I cannot hear the minister trying to ask a question because of the heckling from the people she is trying to ask the question of.
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