
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Mark Holland

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Ajax
  • Ontario
  • Voting Attendance: 62%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $169,302.33

  • Government Page
Yes, Madam Speaker, by popular demand, I am back. I really missed these exchanges. Some of our great moments are on Thursdays, not just for CPAC viewers, but also for you and me personally, I know. Therefore it is wonderful to exchange and wonderful to be back. I want to wish members a good return. I hope everybody had a productive and happy time with their families and their constituents in their ridings. This afternoon, we will resume second reading debate of Bill C-66, the military justice system modernization act. Tomorrow, we will begin the report stage debate of Bill C-33, the strengthening the port system and railway safety in Canada act. On Monday, we will begin second reading debate of Bill C-63, the online harms act. Madam Speaker, you will be very happy to know that next Wednesday we will also be resuming second reading debate of Bill C-71, which would amend the Citizenship Act. I would also like to take the opportunity to inform the House that both next Tuesday and next Thursday shall be allotted days. Furthermore, on Monday, the Minister of Finance will table a ways and means motion on capital gains taxation that incorporates the feedback received during consultations over the summer. The vote will take place on Wednesday of next week during Government Orders.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague on the other side for the question and the opportunity to illuminate the government's agenda for the coming week. On Monday, we will resume report stage debate of Bill S-5, which would amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. On Tuesday morning, we will call Bill C-42 regarding the Canada Business Corporations Act and then return to debate on Bill S-5 in the afternoon. On Wednesday and Friday, we will call Bill C-13, an act for substantive equity of Canada's official languages. Finally, I would like to inform the House that Thursday, May 11, shall be an allotted day.
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  • Mar/23/23 3:58:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am sure the hon. member across the way, having not had an opportunity to ask the Thursday question and not having been granted that opportunity, might be somewhat confused about the nature of the Thursday question or what it would be about, so of course we excuse him for that. This afternoon, we are going to be concluding second reading debate of Bill C-26, concerning the critical cyber systems protection act. I would also like to thank all parties for their co-operation in helping to conclude that debate. As all members are aware, and as I am sure you are aware of and quite excited for, Mr. Speaker, the House will be adjourned tomorrow for the address of the United States President, President Joe Biden. On Monday, we will be dealing with the Senate amendments in relation to Bill C-11, the online streaming act. Tuesday, we will continue the debate at second reading of Bill C-27, the digital charter implementation act, with the budget presentation taking place later that day, at 4 p.m. Members will be pleased to know that days one and two of the budget debate, which I know members are anxiously awaiting, will be happening on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. On Friday, we will proceed to the second reading debate of Bill C-41, regarding humanitarian aid to vulnerable Afghans.
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  • Mar/9/23 3:14:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I will start with joining the member opposite in wishing all who are recognizing Saint Patrick's Day a very happy Saint Patrick's Day. I can say that, with some roots of mine that come from Tipperary, I will join them in celebrating that day. Also, I hope all members have the opportunity over the constituency week to be with their constituents and their families. I hope that it is productive for them, and I look forward to seeing all members back in this place. With respect to the question on hostile state actors, the member opposite knows of our shared commitment to repel such forces, and I look forward to working with him. I appreciate his very helpful suggestions as to where that might fall on the calendar, and I look forward to fruitful discussions as to what might take place on those two mysterious days. However, I can say that tomorrow we will begin the debate at second reading of Bill C-33 concerning port systems and railway safety. I would like to inform the House that Monday, March 20, and Wednesday, March 22, shall be allotted days. Finally, on the Tuesday of that week, we will resume second reading debate of Bill C-23, the historic places of Canada act.
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  • Feb/2/23 3:31:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am here and I am very happy to answer the question. We will certainly continue to bring crime rates down across the country. I hope we can work together on this issue. Tomorrow, we will begin second reading of Bill C-34. This is the national security review of investments modernization act. We will continue with the debate on this bill Monday and Wednesday of next week. I would also like to inform the House that Tuesday, February 7, and Thursday, February 9, shall be allotted days.
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  • Dec/14/22 3:16:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, there have been discussions among the parties, and I believe if you seek it, you will find unanimous consent to adopt the following motion. I move: That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, following the completion of today's routine proceedings: (a) a member from each recognized party and a member from the Green Party may make a brief statement regarding the end of the sitting; and (b) after the statements, the House shall stand adjourned until Monday, January 30, 2023, provided that, for the purposes of any standing order, it shall be deemed to have been adjourned pursuant to Standing Order 28 and be deemed to have sat on Thursday, December 15 and Friday, December 16, 2022.
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  • Jun/14/22 4:04:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, pursuant to order made on Monday, May 2, I request that the hour of daily adjournment for the next sitting be 12 midnight.
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  • Jun/7/22 10:02:03 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I request that the ordinary hour of daily adjournment of the June 8 and June 9 sittings be 12 midnight, pursuant to order made on Monday, May 2.
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  • May/17/22 10:01:53 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I request that the ordinary hour of daily adjournment today be 12 midnight, pursuant to order made Monday, May 2.
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  • May/11/22 3:16:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I request that the ordinary hour of daily adjournment for the next sitting be 12 midnight, pursuant to order made Monday, May 2.
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  • Mar/24/22 3:15:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I wish a very happy birthday to Mitch. I hope he has the time to celebrate with his family over the weekend. Tomorrow we will call Bill C-8, the economic and fiscal update, for the third day of debate at report stage, and we will continue on Monday, if that is necessary. Tuesday we will resume debate at second reading of Bill C-11, the online streaming act. Wednesday we will continue with debate on Bill C-5, which is mandatory minimum legislation, at second reading. I would also inform the House that Thursday, March 31, will be an allotted day and next Friday, a week tomorrow, it is our intention to begin consideration of the second reading of Bill C-13, the official languages bill.
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