
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 326

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 6, 2024 10:00AM
  • Jun/6/24 11:17:31 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am rising to address the point of order raised earlier today by the member for Winnipeg Centre. I wish to apologize—
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  • Jun/6/24 11:18:28 a.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-20 
Madam Speaker, I wish to apologize to the member, to the House and anyone else I may have offended. Specifically, the member referenced a speech that I gave in the House Tuesday night on Bill C-20. In a quote she read from my speech, I said the following, “One of the interesting things in that particular incident was that the perpetrator, Myles Sanderson, had a history of violent offences and had been recently released on parole, despite the prediction by the parole board that he was likely to reoffend because of his racial background.” I misspoke when I used the word “because”. I meant to say “regardless”. This was caught immediately and when the blues came out, the preliminary version of Hansard, we requested to change the word “because” to “regardless”. That change was accepted and published in Hansard officially. Once again, I apologize for misspeaking. I never meant to offend anyone. I never meant to cast any aspersions on anyone because of race.
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  • Jun/6/24 11:20:19 a.m.
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The hon. member for Saskatoon West has apologized. I would ask the member for Winnipeg Centre to speak to the Clerk to find out if that is more a question of privilege. It seems to me that it is more of a point of debate at this point in trying to expand on the point of order that the hon. member just brought forward again. I am not sure if it is a question of privilege as opposed to a point of order. It seems to be debate. The hon. member for Saskatoon West did apologize. The hon. member for Winnipeg Centre.
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  • Jun/6/24 11:21:11 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member did not really apologize. He gave the reason he changed the word. He is not taking responsibility— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Jun/6/24 11:21:30 a.m.
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Order, please. The hon. member did apologize. He said that if it offended anybody he apologized and that it was not the word he wanted to use. The apology is there, so I would just ask the hon. member to maybe discuss it with the clerks or with her House leader to see how to move forward from here. At this point, I feel this is more of a point of debate. Questions and comments, the hon. member for Windsor West.
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  • Jun/6/24 2:57:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my esteemed colleague from Louis-Saint-Laurent is talking about information. Unfortunately, the first piece of information he did not adequately convey is that all the reports, including the Auditor General's latest report, made it very clear that there was no political interference of any kind. Anyone who claims otherwise is, unfortunately, spreading disinformation. Speaking of disinformation, my colleague is from the Quebec City area. Could he ask his Conservative leader to apologize for misleading people and, unfortunately, discouraging the tens of thousands of seniors in the Quebec City region from enrolling in the new Canadian dental care plan?
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  • Jun/6/24 3:18:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after our House leader answered a question and spoke of the experience of troll swarming that occurs online, the member for South Shore—St. Margarets shouted out at him “Thank you for the ammo.” This violent language does not help in a climate where there is an 800% increase in threats of violence toward elected officials. I ask that the member apologize and retract his comment.
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