
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 337

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 17, 2024 10:00AM
  • Sep/17/24 10:25:30 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, it is a real pleasure having the member for Kildonan—St. Paul back in the House. It is really great to see her here. We talk about what Conservatives are going to cut. We are going to cut the Liberals' $60-million arrive scam. We are going to cut their billion-dollar slush fund. We are going to cut all of the waste that we keep exposing. This weekend, they committed $2.14 billion to a company. Who is someone who has a real strong interest in that? Mark “carbon tax” Carney has a big interest in that company. Instead of providing Canadians who need it with high-speed Internet, for example, by the end of this year, they are going to take a decade more to not get it done, but they are going to make sure Mark “carbon tax” Carney gets rich while Canadians suffer.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:17:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, “conflict of interest, carbon tax” Carney has officially joined the corrupt Liberal government as the de facto finance minister, here to ram the Davos agenda down the throats of Canadians. This global elite jet-sets around the world, claiming the carbon tax scam is a global example that no one should be exempt from, including Atlantic Canadians. Carbon tax Carney sits on boards of multinational corporations with interests in foreign oil and foreign governments, opposing Canada's good, clean, responsible oil and gas. The Prime Minister has shielded him from Canadian disclosure laws by making him an adviser instead of replacing the lame-duck finance minister. Carbon tax Carney is here for carbon tax Carney, here for all the power and money and none of the accountability. He could not care less about Canadians who cannot afford to feed, heat or house themselves. Common-sense Conservatives are calling on the Prime Minister to force carbon tax Carney to be sworn in as a public office holder so that he has to follow Canada's conflict of interest laws. It is time for “conflict of interest, carbon tax” Carney to come clean.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:36:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years of the Liberal-NDP government, taxes are up. Costs are up. Crime is up. Now time is up. The self-proclaimed feminist Prime Minister has repeatedly shoved aside strong women who have stood up to him. Now the Prime Minister is replacing the first-ever female finance minister with an unelected Mark “carbon tax” Carney. Why is the finance minister allowing herself to be publicly humiliated in this manner?
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  • Sep/17/24 2:40:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is absolutely absurd to hear the finance minister give anyone lessons about who they are taking advice from. Archliberal elitist, Mark Carney, has more conflicts than the twice-guilty and convicted Prime Minister of their party, and they are letting carbon tax Carney keep all the money and all the power by covering up his massive conflicts of interest while giving away that finance minister's job. He makes millions from foreign investment firms and now he is advising the Prime Minister. Why is the Prime Minister letting carbon tax Carney keep the money and the power, and serving as the real finance minister?
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