
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 337

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 17, 2024 10:00AM
  • Sep/17/24 2:10:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Quebeckers are still wondering what the Bloc Québécois is good for. The Bloc Québécois voted with the Liberal Prime Minister nearly 200 times, keeping Canada's most centralist government ever in power. Giving the Liberal Prime Minister a blank cheque does not benefit Quebeckers in the slightest. The Bloc Québécois's inconsistency is blatantly obvious here in Ottawa. It says one thing and does another. It says it wants to stop sending money to Ottawa, but it voted in favour of more than $500 billion in inflationary spending by this Liberal Prime Minister. The “Liberal Bloc” voted in favour of adding 100,000 new public servants to the payroll while bringing about no improvement in Canadians' day-to-day lives. There is more spending than ever, more public servants than ever, more scandals than ever, all being paid for with Quebec's money, our money. Who is the Bloc Québécois good for? It is good for the Liberal Prime Minister. What is the Bloc Québécois good for? Unfortunately, it is not good for Quebeckers. The only party that can stand up for Quebeckers is the Conservative Party of Canada, the party of common sense.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:19:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, voters in the former Liberal strongholds of Toronto and Montreal have given their verdict. After nine years, this Prime Minister is not worth the cost. During the nine years of this Bloc-Liberal government's reign, we have seen the largest expansion of the federal government in history and the most expensive and centralizing government that is inflating the cost of housing and groceries for Quebec. How can the Bloc Québécois keep a government and a Prime Minister that are so bad for Quebec in office?
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Mr. Speaker, Bill C‑319 is a Bloc Québécois bill that eliminates discrimination in the retirement benefits granted to seniors 65 to 74 and those 75 and over. It allows them to earn $6,500 instead of $5,000 without losing the guaranteed income supplement. In committee, the Liberals voted in favour of the bill, the Conservatives voted in favour of the bill and the NDP voted in favour of the bill. Now we need to ensure that the bill is implemented with something called a royal recommendation. Will the Liberals secure the royal recommendation and help seniors?
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  • Sep/17/24 2:29:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we obviously recognize that older seniors, people 75 and up, face higher costs. They are more vulnerable and that is why we added measures to support them. I share the Bloc Québécois' concern for our seniors. That is why I am calling on the Bloc Québécois to support us on dental care. It is an important program for all Quebeckers, especially vulnerable seniors.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:42:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to clarify something for the government, the entire House and everyone else, something that is not going to happen. The Bloc Québécois will not be told, “Help us interfere in areas under Quebec's jurisdiction, then give us this, then give us that, and then maybe...”. That is not going to happen. The Liberal government will have to be consistent and implement a law that it voted for. Otherwise, it will have to either get back together with the NDP or start getting a bus ready.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:44:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois leader is raising the spectre of an election instead of delivering results for Quebec's seniors. It is a bit much. This is not the only thing we would like some clarity about. What I would say to the Bloc Québécois leader is that a vote is very clear. He does not vote often, as we just read, but when he does vote, the Bloc Québécois leader votes against lowering retirement age to 65. He voted against increasing the guaranteed income supplement for poor seniors in Quebec. When we set up dental care, he voted against it.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:45:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the leader of the Bloc Québécois has spent his life putting the Canadian pensions of Quebec seniors at risk. When he votes against lowering the retirement age to 65, it is not about interference in jurisdictions, he is voting against seniors. When he votes against increasing the guaranteed income supplement, he is not voting on a jurisdictional issue; he is voting against the well‑being of Quebec seniors and for poverty among seniors. The leader of the Bloc Québécois needs to take responsibility and explain his votes against Quebec seniors.
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  • Sep/17/24 2:49:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois is a costly proposition to Canadian taxpayers, but especially to Quebec taxpayers. What use is the Bloc Québécois when we know that it voted for the the largest-ever expansion of the federal government, for more spending than ever, for more public servants than ever and for the most scandals ever? Aside from keeping the Liberal government on life support for the next year, what is the “Liberal Bloc” good for?
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  • Sep/17/24 2:56:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois and the Liberals are fighting the same fight to save the Liberals and keep them in office. Because of the Bloc Québécois, over the past nine years, this government has spent a record amount, failed to balance the budget, doubled the debt and hired an additional 100,000 public servants. The Bloc Québécois is voting to waste Quebeckers' money. It is our money. The Bloc Québécois voted for the biggest expansion of the federal government in history. How did the Prime Minister manage to convince the Bloc to support his government, which is the costliest, the most disastrous and the most centralizing government in Canada's history?
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  • Sep/17/24 5:14:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I sincerely thank my colleague from Montcalm. The topic under discussion today is not a political issue. I especially want to make sure that the former member for Vaudreuil-Soulanges, Meilidreuil-Soulanges, Meili Failles, hears these words of gratitude. I am sure that she is listening to us with some emotion right now, because this battle has been a long one. It led her to forge great friendships, especially with Don Chapman and many others. However, some issues are raising concerns. People have suffered because of this situation. With them in mind, the Bloc Québécois is supporting this bill to correct the situation. Sometimes, playing politics is okay, I do it, but other times, we have to put the greater good of people and citizenship first.
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