
Decentralized Democracy

Senator Gold: Again, Senator Wallin, it is not the intention of the government — or of this bill — to regulate user-generated content. It is in response to the concerns expressed, as the government has tried, and continues to try, to clarify — obviously, with not complete success in this chamber, anyway — that the bill does not, and will not, apply to user-generated content. Both the text of the bill and the government’s commitments make that clear.

It is also clear — again, colleagues, you don’t need me to tell you this — that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms applies to every bill. The CRTC is required to take the Charter into account. Freedom of expression is guaranteed in the bill itself, although that is not necessary given the overarching presence of the Charter, and amendments promoting journalistic freedom further emphasize that.

It is not the case, Senator Wallin, with all respect, that the government intends — or wants — to regulate user-generated content. It is trying to provide guidance to the CRTC on how to adapt this bill to the rapidly changing technological environment and, at the same time, provide reassurances to those in our communities who have expressed concerns. As I said, those concerns will be addressed in the policy directive upon Royal Assent.

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